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Epic Reine

How long before you throw it out?

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Today, I was putting groceries away and while I was making room in the fridge for them, I came across this take-out of chicken fingers with french fries that my sister brought home from some diner. It was at least a month old but I ate it anyway. My mom says that I shouldn't have done that and said that I shouldn't have waited no more than a week before I threw it away. Fuck that, it looked good and still tasted good.


So how long should you keep leftovers before you throw them away?

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Mold or when it starts looking like there's something wrong with it means it's time to go. Usually a week on anything in the fridge. But sometimes things get buried.

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Guest Vitamin X
Unless it's a half empty can of pop. For some reason they sit in the fridge for months before I get pissed off and throw them all out.


God this is so true. I hate that. How hard is it to drink 8 or 12 full ounces, really?!

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According to the audio "helper" that plays at my work over and over and over.


"No longer than two or three days, even if something doesn't look like it's spoiled it could still make you _very_ sick.


When in doubt, throw it out."


Quoted verbatim.

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What bugs me is when my girlfriend has leftovers of something really good, like steak, and she just lets it sit there, and I keep asking her if I can just eat it before it goes bad, and she keeps insisting that she is going to eat it, "for my next meal" And then eventually she goes to open the container a week later and the shit is moldy and rotten.

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I pretty much won't eat any leftovers past the second day after it's cooked.


So, if I cook something, if it hasn't been eaten within a 72 hour span, it's either getting fed to the dog or going in the garbage.

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My inlaws don't believe in saran wrap or tupperware or anything. It just goes into the fridge on a plate. Or worse yet in the pot or pan it was cooked in. Or how about let's just put it back in the oven. I've nearly burnt the house down because I've gone to preheat the oven and there's been pizza boxes in it.


That's some pretty funny stuff, you've made my day, VF.

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Because they're full of salt and preservatives. But that just makes them look like they're good to eat. If you've seen Super Size Me, they show what McDonald's fries look after a few months (exactly the same).


Two days after its cooked is a good rule for most things with meat, or chicken, or anything fresh. Something like.. Mac and Cheese could go a few days more though. If you're eating anything more than four days after you cooked it, you're putting yourself at risk.


And it will taste like shit too.

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back in high school I took two french fries and put them in a gap between two bricks in the wall by the gym entrance. This was back in 2002. They're still there to this day.* And they look exactly the same





*-note: I haven't been there for a while, but as of last semester they were there

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Guest Vitamin X

One way you can tell if eggs are still good is if you put them in a bowl full of water. They shouldn't sink.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Mine used to be incredibly dull from blowing drugs up my snout, but it came back somehow.

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I cannot stand stagnant food at all, thusly I always throw food out as soon as I realise its time of usage has passed.

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The Freezer prolongs the life of foods.


While making the quality of said foods suffer unless you vaccum seal everything.


General rule on leftovers is as long as it doesnt look or smell funny its ok but only if you reheat it to 165 degrees.

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Update: Not dead


The odds of getting an egg that had enough harmful bacteria in it that managed to survive after being cooked properly is very slim.


You should have drank the eggs raw, might have had a better chance of getting sick at least.

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