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Name a food you didn't like/truly appreciate....

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For me it would definately be the onion. As a child I didn't really like onions in any shape or form. As I started getting older I didn't mind them in salsa, or on pizza.


Now I have a true love for the onion, be it a red, white, or yellow onion. My personal favorite is the yellow onion because I love the the sweetness of it when it is saute'd and even caramelized.

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For a heniously long time I abhored all elements of the taste of mustard, and probably went for a good half of a decade without indulging in so much as a sprinkling of it. However, I recently found it to be the only highlight of Starbucks' otherwise dire sandwhich-menu, and have since replaced ketchup (yes Czech, I do realise that mustard isn't a satisfactory repentance for my previous ketchup sins) with it in every hot-dog that I have eaten.

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I didn't like any sort of vegatable except corn when I was a kid. Know I can appreciate a good salid and garnahes on sandwhiches. I used to hate mustard, now I put it on everything. I'm weaning my self off using katchup on hot dogs and sausages.

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Czech should be lauded for his anti-ketchup ways. Best thing I ever did was to swear off it, except for french fries.


Onions to a degree, but I'm still a little picky with them. Incredibly, I remember having beer when I was a kid and hating it (my grandfather gave me a taste of it when I was five or six). I had another with him when I was 13, and didn't like it then either. Now....well, you know how that turned out. For what it's worth, the beer my grampa gave me, both times, was Labbatt Wildcat, a beer which I still don't like.

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Only liked the maraschino cherries as a boy. My grandmother tried to get me in on the regular seeded cherries. I would have none of it.


I got some from a farmer's market a few weeks ago and they were gone within two hours. I went back and bought like six pounds of them. I've made a great cherry salsa, a neat little cherry sauce for chicken and pork and a smoothie that was so good I tried (unsuccessfully) to plant a cherry tree outside of our apartment.

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I was a picky eater. Real comfort food type stuff, too. Things like beans, chili, enchiladas, meatloaf, and stew. God knows why I didn't like any of it. Now I'll eat that, some fish, shrimp, onions, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach. I haven't yet come around on or am even willing to try olives, pork, menudo, crab and lobster, and some more exotic meats, and I doubt I ever will.

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Guest Vitamin X

I absolutely loathed onions as well. I recall mentioning several times how I'd rather have period blood on my burger than raw onions. I eventually came around first to grilled onions- particularly on red meats, of course- and now I love them. Walla Walla Sweet Onion, red onions, and shallots are my faves.


I also used to really dislike black olives and asparagus, and I stopped hatin on black olives a bit after high school, and I changed my opinion on asparagus completely when I started eating them roasted. I think I still loathe asparagus cold, however, yet somehow I ate them pickled in the fridge without much of a problem.

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Tomatoes. I hated the red devils as a kid, now I dig them, but still dislike them alone. (IE on salads I have to have the tomato and lettuce or something else. I think it's a texture issue)

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Sauerkraut. Hated the texture and sight of it as a kid. Didn't eat it until New Years Day when they were cooking it with pork. Now I put it on all sandwiches, dogs etc.



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Guest !!!

I didn't come around on mustard and relish until I was 14. In fact, the only condiment I would accept was barbecue sauce. I didn't come around on salad dressing until last Friday. Other than that, my palate doesn't have too many Damascene conversions. I've found new stuff I hadn't thought to try yet, but what I detested then, I detest now.


Ketchup is still and will always be thoroughly revolting in any utility.


Know I can appreciate a good salid and garnahes on sandwhiches.

Rough night, old boy?

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I grew up in a house where "variety" meant eating Wendy's for dinner because we'd had McDonald's the night before. So I've gained an appreciation for many foods since I've been fending for myself. Off the top of my head:


- Pretty much any vegetables

- Chicken

- Most sea food

- Cheeses not named American


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Pineapples. I hated them as a kid, but I tried them on a pizza one time and it was instant love. I can't get enough of them now. Come to think of it, the only kind of fruit that I ate as a kid was strawberries. I've learned to like just about every fruit. Still hate apples though.

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How do you hate pineapples? I just don't get that. I have vague memories from when I was very young, being taken to a buffet, and I'd eat nothing but pineapple. To this day, I've always got some pineapple juice in the fridge.


The answer to the initial question for me is mustard. Wouldn't touch it as a kid, put ketchup on everything. Now I still keep a small place in my diet for ketchup, but mustard goes on everything. I like fancy and spicy mustards, but even classic yellow is good.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

I don't like pineapple or peaches. Any wet fruits kind of bother me. Textural thing, mostly. The taste isn't good enough to get over it.


For me, it's almost my entire diet. I ate very little outside of total bland garbage as a kid. Fast food, hot dogs, mac n cheese, etc.

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Fish, seafood, tomatoes, onions, mustard, jalapenos, green peppers, shit... everything, basically.

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I still don't like the food I didn't like as a child.



Tomatoes (But I do like tomatoe sauce)

Mustard (Though I will eat on on a burger, if it was put on there by mistake)

Onions (Again, I'll eat them if they're mixed in as part of a dish, but would rather not)






Fish is one thing I can think of that I didn't like as a kid, but now do.


Pickles are something that I loved as a kid, and now can't stand to take more than a couple bites.

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Man, I had to think about that one for like 10 minutes before I finally got it.


Anyway, I still pretty much like the same things I did when I was young, but I think I might be slowly coming around on onions. Only cooked ones, though. Raw onions still make me gag.

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Ravioli. I used to hate it, and it'd make me sick. Years passed, I forgot what grossed me out about them, and started liking them.


I can't remember at all what it was that grossed me out.

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Fish, seafood, tomatoes, onions, mustard, jalapenos, green peppers, shit... everything, basically.


Yeah, I didn't get into eating shit until I was older either.

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Ravioli. I used to hate it, and it'd make me sick. Years passed, I forgot what grossed me out about them, and started liking them.


I love ravioli, honey pie.

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Another one I remember is Root Beer.....I can't recall ever having a bad experience, but I must have cause through most of my childhood I never wanted to touch the stuff for some reason and then a friend finally had enough and I tried it and loved it.


Also, Sushi. It's not that I ever didn't like it. but it was one of those things that as a youth it was cool to just say "Ewww raw fish is gross you idiot" Once I tried it I loved it.

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Guest Vitamin X

What? When was that ever cool? I guess growing up in L.A., it's normal to eat sushi so you don't see it as a big deal.


I have discovered a food that as a youth I didn't mind, but now I absolutely fucking hate it. Celery. This shit pops up in a ton of the things I eat, and every time I have something I wasn't really fond of, or just outright disliked, I find the culprit: celery. Fuck you, you bitter tasting little light-green piece of shit. You barely go good enough with peanut butter to justify your existence.

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