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Guest AnnieEclectic

Promo: getting back into the swing of things

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Guest AnnieEclectic

(We see a door opened, inside is a somewhat bare dressing room, with a figure standing in the center. The figure turns to face the visitor...)


Annie E:GUS!


(Annie and Gus have a quick friendly hug before parting)


Annie: Anything happen yet with a promotion?


Gus: Not yet, you'd think a scoop like that would get some good words about me put in....


Annie: Well, it also might depend on who's giving them...


Gus: True... how are you getting on?


Annie: Well... good to be free, trying to figure out where I'm going to put stuff....


Gus: And you have a match already?


Annie: Yeah, vs. Xero... no matter, win or lose, I really want a shot at a Clannie.... Blargledyargle! *taps fingers against temple hard three times...* YES! Here.... pictures....


(Gus is slightly taken aback at the sight of Annie tapping herself so hard)


Gus: Uh... are you OK Annie?


Annie: Huh? Oh.. yeah... sorry, being locked up so long, you tend to get a little.... trungly


Gus: Trungly?


Annie: Uh.... strange. Yeah.... I hope it's not permanent....


(Annie goes back to sorting her photos, while Gus sits down in a nearby chair)


Gus: Anything I can do to help?


Annie: Well, actually, right now I'd just like to talk, I haven't spoken to another human for a while now, I'd like to practice *smiles*


Gus: Well.... do you have any plans for your career now that you're back?


Annie: No...*taps temple*... No.... *taps temple*... YES! First, I've got quite the score to settle with the Clan, Allison's at a safe little funhouse of a hideout, she won't get out and Spider won't find her. Secondly, I'm going to do my little kooky dance. Watch!


(Annie proceeds to lift her arm up, bent, with a finger pointing high in the air. This is synchronized with her opposite leg lifting while shaking her foot. She quickly switches limbs, then rapidly repeats the same until Gus cracks up from the sheer absurdity of the sight before him.)


Gus: *still laughing* What the hell is that?


Annie: *standing still* It's a kooky dance. You dont have much to do when captive, so I made up little dance moves and the like. They probably suck, I didn't have much room to work with, but it kept me sane. I think.... *stats unpacking outfits...* Really, I want to get revenge for my sister, but I can't help feel so much more alive than I did before, I don't want to waste any time on anything you know? I'll get the Clan, but dammit, I'm going to have fun while doing it, so be it!


Gus: Sounds like a plan.


Annie: A plan, stan, with my main man Dan and a wombat caravan!


Gus: ....


Annie: Never mind. *smiles* My brain has been working overtime a lot lately, I'm sure I'll calm down after a while.


Gus: Right...


Annie: Anyway, thanks for stopping by, let me know if they ever make you an interviewer or something. Let me know if they dont. Let me know if the air speed velocity of an unladen African swallow is different than a European swallow.


Gus: Uh, I'll just let you know about the first two...


Annie: Your loss... Biology is fascinating *manic grin*


Gus: *gets up and walks towards the door* Annie... I think you're kinda messed up, but you're kinda cool too. Just promise me one thing.


Annie: Whats that, Charles?


Gus: *taking comment in stride* Don't go all crazy and kill me or anyone else in my sleep, ok?


Annie: *laughing* Hey... I may be a little... overexited, but I'm not homicidal. Get on you wacky ... wacky man you.


Gus: *laughing* All right, see you around.


Annie: See ya.


(Gus leaves, and we see Annie get back to sorting her things out. She's humming a fast paced tune, and we fade to black...)





OOC: Annie isn't really crazy or anything, but when she gets excitied, she's prone to do or say odd things. I've decided (finally) to make Annie a lot like me. A somewhat normal narcisistic lesbian who's spaztic when happy. She hates the Clan, and holds a lot of enmity towards them, so that will also make her spaz a bit, in an angry way.


That last paragraph was in case the promo didn't convey that properly... because I suck :D




p.s. and no JD, I do not suck you, dont even try messing with the tagline. so ner :P

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Annie E. = Annie Amphetamines.


Yowza, she's spunky.  But hey, it's a lot cheerier than death, so I'm all for it!

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Guest Insane Clown Dan
Annie: A plan, stan, with my main man Dan and a wombat caravan!


I'm your main man now? ;)

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Guest Suicide King

Annie E as a face is good.  Feuds with the Clan are good.  Lesbians are good.  I love all of these things.  But none moreso than the Cock.

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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

Oh, we know you like the cock King...


Nice promo, Annie.  Ain't nothing wrong with getting crazy. Feuds against the Clan are good, because they're icky.

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Guest Suicide King

Thank you, neighbor Wilson.  You see people?  I told you the Clan was icky.  That's why Thoth needed a leave of absence.  He had to go take a shower.



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Guest AnnieEclectic

Heh... remember, she's not *crazy* per se... just easily exitable and spastic, kinda like me. I only say this so she doesn't get written by other people like Norman the Lunatic





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Guest Thoth

Annie Eclectic and Lady Red are so different, it's scary.  The level of Annie's weirdness freaks me out, and that's hard to do.

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Guest AnnieEclectic

Awwww, Thoth, how is that even possible? She's just like me, I don't freak you out, do I?


Oh yeah, the tapping thing... that's not going to be common, but it needed a debut... I think I wen't a tad over the top in this promo than what will most likely actually happen. Oh well, it always takes time. Glad to get it over with :)



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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"'A somewhat normal narcisistic lesbian who's spaztic when happy'.


Damn...and here I was going to put you in a tag team with Jay Dawg, make you carry a big gong down to the ring whenever you wrestled and call you the "Gonzo Gong twins".


But I guess your gimmick idea might work too.


Mothernature says, the Gonzo Gong twins idea is still available if anyone's interested..."

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