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  1. B@RTOK

    My Chocolate Socket

    Why is it that everytime someone posts there has to be the retarded person to say something stupid.
  2. B@RTOK

    Excess in Moderation

    HAHAHAHAHA, just the fact that I was scrolling down the page and it goes from "what the fuck, dude. that's BULLSHIT" to your post was awesome. I think it was partly due to the fact that I imagined Hulk Hogan standing infront of that burning honda as a news reporter screaming "HONDA'S BRO" into the microphone.
  3. B@RTOK

    My Chocolate Socket

    Just out of curiosity, why is it that My Chocolate Socket's name keeps changing every so often? I personally like My Chocolate Socket. Would someone please tell me what's going on.
  4. B@RTOK

    Shit's on

    AHAHAHAHA, I can't even get over how bad your vocabulary is. Not to mention that I am probably the worst person to have posted when it comes to vocabulary before you. Wow, Kepp that shiut going, I like this shiatttt.
  5. B@RTOK

    Dumb Injuries

    First post since last summer. This isn't an injury of mine but rather my friend whome you all would know as CM Funk. Anyways durring a summer a couple years ago me and my friend would go over to a mutual friends house (Why2J) and we would hang around for the most part playing video games and every so often we would have a wrestling match. Well while wrestling with CM Funk I got the upper hand and picked him up off the ground. While in the air I threw him down effectively spiking him into the ground. Not only did this cause him alot of pain but it was very ammusing as we all found it funny how I was able to pick him up and throw him head first into the ground. However later that summer we decided to entertain ourselves in a different manner since we learned our lesson and we decided to spin around in a chair about 80 times then try running up the stairs. Well this particular afternoon Why2J had already made it up the stairs and was watching us as we did it. After CM Funk started running to the stairs i got off my chair and ran after him. When I got to the stairs I attempted to run up them as usuall. However this time I was going to fall so I grabbed my disoriented friends (CM Funk) leg in an attempt to stop myself from falling. He then in turn grabs Why2J's leg which he quickly let go of because my weight was too much for CM to hold off. Anyways when CM Funk descended the staris he hit his ballsack on every proceeding stair the entire way down. There were about 7-10 stairs he fell down. He was in so much pain and we couldn't stop laughing the entire time he was down. That is probably the worst injury I have encountered.
  6. B@RTOK

    Merry Christmas, you bastards

    You love me? What the gay...
  7. B@RTOK

    Sesame Street: not for today's toddlers

    Haha, that was awesome. I liked the part about the cookie monster developing diabetus, oscar suffereing from chronic depression, and the prozakian elmo not being on the show.
  8. B@RTOK

    American Pride and Nationalism

    That is possible the funniest thing you have said. Mainly for the fact that you told people why you wanted to be a nazi, and they agreed with some of the points you said. I'm assuming you were talking about the irish in a purely genocidal way.
  9. B@RTOK

    Don't Stop Believin'

    Yeah, journey is a pretty good band. They do have quite a few good songs. I was pretty happy when they picked this one as the series finale of The Sopranos.
  10. B@RTOK


    I just discovered this section, and am glad that I did. Out of all the people I have talked to about the show, none seem to watch it. I think this is the best show on TV right now. Season 1 was better then season 2, mainly because rudy/brian was my favorite character. However this season was a bit different with the characters. I used to like rita, but for some reason over the summer she seemed to develope this different attitude also her voice has seemed to change. I have never liked Debra much as she has always been really annoying. Not to mention she broke up the reunion between dex and brian. I think my favorite episode of season 2 so far is the latest one that came out this weekend on ROD. Where he tells the corse to stay put. and gets interogated by driscol. I like how in this season they added a bit of humor, whereas in the first season there wasn't much. However the season now seems to be picking up whereas from like the 3rd-6th ep's nothing really seemed to be happening. I hope to read the books soon. Has anyone read them yet? Also does anyone know the order in which the books occur?
  11. B@RTOK

    Planet Hulk

    My dad is a paramedic and he has worked on the set of the hulk 2 a couple of times now. He says it's awesome cause all they do is sit there and eat awesome food.
  12. B@RTOK

    American Pride and Nationalism

    Go Canada.
  13. I think the best story I have to tell is someone walked into bestbuy and asked me where the electronics were.
  14. B@RTOK

    Don't Stop Believin'

    Good song. Horrible thread.
  15. B@RTOK

    The Hangover Thread

    I was just reading in the bathroom reader about hangovers. Apparently the best way to avoid them is to down lots of gatorade/powerade while you are drinking, also water works but gatorade is better. And right before you go to sleep drink a glass of milk this will protect the stomach lining and you will be less suceptible to throwing up. They say that drinking while hungover only delays it. However I suspect that if you drink just to get barely drunk then you should be fine. Usually what works for me is throwing up the night of. Although this doesn't happen too often.