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The Thread Killer

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About The Thread Killer

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    Middle aged, and crazy.
  • Birthday 01/10/1970
  1. The Thread Killer

    Cornette Bashes WWE Creative

    You do know Vince Russo works for TNA, right? Are you trying to compare Russos experience in the industry with that of Hollywood writers? You might not like the guy, but to try and deny over 15 years of experience in the industry is absolutely ludicrous and flat out childish. Russo himself has admitted that he has tried and failed to get movie and TV projects that he has written made. He is a self admitted Hollywood wannabe. He admitted this after he helped tank WCW with some of the worst writing ever seen, and before he came back to TNA. And denying Vince Russo's "experience" in wrestling is "childish?"
  2. The Thread Killer

    Cornette Bashes WWE Creative

    You do know Vince Russo works for TNA, right?
  3. The Thread Killer

    2009 TSM Worst Poster Tournament: Sweet 16

    I've never faked my own death. And I don't think CJ has challenged anyone to a fight. CJ never faked his own death...that's a TSM myth. When he stopped calling himself "Highspot" and started calling himself Crucifixio Jones he wrote a mock obituary in the Flaming Folder for Highspot, but it was clearly tongue-in-cheek and nobody thought he was really dead. He was trying to demonstrate that the gloves were off, and he wasn't going to be nice to everybody anymore...when he stopped calling himself Highspot and started calling himself CJ he started being a lot more acerbic in his posting style. You can say a lot about him, but he wasn't stupid...he would not have faked his own death. The only people who thought he was faking his death were people who weren't there at the time, or people who were there and didn't pick up on his sarcasm. I didn't even really like the guy all that much, and I can barely remember what I had for breakfast this morning, and even I know that. You can say a lot about CJ but he never faked his own death, that whole rumor should be put to bed. And yeah he did challenge people to a fight...specifically Witty Banter, who was going to take him up on it, but they lived too far apart.
  4. The Thread Killer

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    Oh man, this isn't going anywhere good. I'm getting the hell out of here and going back to The Pit where I belong, before Milky comes back and starts posting pictures of his fagstick again.
  5. The Thread Killer

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    God, shut up. Well played, no comeback for that.
  6. The Thread Killer

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    Who the hell are you and why the hell should I care what you think? You don't even know me. I might annoy you, but I am neither stupid nor a homosexual, so STFU. You need to recognize, ass breath. I was hanging out in this folder while your father was still saving up the money for his hour with your mother. So in short, stow. I wasn't talking to you, loser. I was pointing it out to Gary Floyd. Waitaminute...you're "Milky?" Aren't you the guy who goes around posting pictures of his dick and talking about his gay sex experiences?
  7. The Thread Killer

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    I trust you, and that is another awesome sentence.
  8. The Thread Killer

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    I'm now imagining Thread Killer walking off like a Samurai in a Kurosawa film. Dude! I didn't send those PM's.
  9. The Thread Killer

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    Who the hell are you and why the hell should I care what you think? You don't even know me. I might annoy you, but I am neither stupid nor a homosexual, so STFU. You need to recognize, ass breath. I was hanging out in this folder while your father was still saving up the money for his hour with your mother. So in short, stow.
  10. The Thread Killer

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    YES! *mad pelvic thrusting* You're the man Vitamin X. ... I wonder if that sentence has ever been written before in the history of the English Language. Not that I am saying Vitamin X isn't the man...just that...those words being used in a sentence seem unlikely. Anyhow, now that The Truthiness has been banned, I can go back to lurking in the TNA folder. I will be back to start another thread in another 7 years. Mark your calendars.
  11. The Thread Killer

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    I am not spamming for The Pit. I am just saying, anybody who wants to talk to me, or even cuss me out or get all bitchy with me has to come to The Pit to do it. My time online is limited, but I'm more than happy to talk to anybody over there.
  12. The Thread Killer

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    NO. Your argument is invalid. If you want to socialize with me, I can be found at The Pit in the Boardum thread between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time, Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. Everybody from TSM is welcome at The Pit, so long as they aren't there to lurk and not post, or troll.
  13. The Thread Killer

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    Okay now I'm gonna try, because I wanna be all NHB cool too. "My shit smells like beef stew." See what I did? There was cussing, it was just one cryptic line, and it had nothing to do with the topic. Now I'm down with the cool kids.
  14. The Thread Killer

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    Damn dude, that was all...alternative and nihilistic and edgy and cool. Oh man...that was even COOLER and EDGIER than the other guy! One of you said "piss" but then the other guy totally kept going and said "cum!" See, it was extra badass because it had nothing to do with the thread, but you guys were like totally showing everybody how you don't even care about what's going on here...but you're still aware enough to make a comment. You guys are awesome.
  15. The Thread Killer

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    Who are those PM's even from? I don't want people thinking I sent them...if I have a problem with somebody I tell them, I don't go running to the mods like a bitch...and if I ever had to talk to a TSM mod it sure as shit wouldn't be fucking Czech, I'd talk to 909 and I'd do it at The Pit, not here. I don't even know who "AmDragFan" "goldengreek" or "Spaceman Ross" are.