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Guest JMA

'04 Democratic candidate


20 members have voted

  1. 1. '04 Democratic candidate

    • Dean
    • Kerry
    • Edwards
    • Gephardt
    • Lieberman
    • Sharpton

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Guest JMA

Please do not use this as a forum to express your dislike of Democrats or the Democratic party.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Edwards is planning to run on a campaign of how he's going to support the common man, etc. He used to be an ambulance chaser, after all; it bears some credibility.


I've also heard much about his similarities to Clinton. I think if the Dems nominate him, he's going to have a good shot at the presidency.

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Dean has no shot


Kerry.. well.. he did marry a really rich woman.


I don't know enough about Edwards


Gephardt bores the hell out of me


Lieberman.. well.. he's too conservative to be the nominee and he would never beat Bush due to the fact that he doesn't differ too much from Bush.


Even I have a better shot of being the DNC candidate than Al Sharpton.

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Guest Vern Gagne

For some reason Senators aren't elected President. JFK was the last one I believe.


John Kerry announced he has Prostate Cancer. Not supposed to be life threatening.


If he's ok, I think he'll be the canidate.


Tyler, Is being an ambulance chaser a good or bad thing?

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Guest Tyler McClelland

In this case, it's a good thing. "Ambulance Chaser" isn't a term of endearment, but if you look at it like this...


He's been representing poor/underfunded individuals who can't afford a large defense. He works for the 'working man' who gets screwed by his employer. If you keep going in that vein, it can be construed that he represents the 'working class man', and that could be a MASSIVE benefit if he plays on it during his campaign.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I like Kerry, Edwards (even though he is a lawyer) and Lieberman. I think Lieberman is the nominee, but we're A LONG WAYS from Election '04.


Hell, if suing companies for millions of $$$ makes me a fighter for the working man (as opposed to the non-working man) then SIGN ME UP!!!


BTW: What about Gore? Y'all think he'll really not consider running again?...

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Guest Choken One

No chance...Gore saw that he wasn't "getting over" during his media blitz and smartly dropped out.


If Bush Fails with his attempt to end Laden and Hussein and also the economy continue to collaspe...It really doesn't matter.

I'd hope Edwards but Kerry seems to have larger support following.



I still contend that Ventura could easily defeat any Democrat and a failing Bush.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"No chance...Gore saw that he wasn't "getting over" during his media blitz and smartly dropped out."


Nixon said the same think in '60, and look what happened 8 years later.


"I'd hope Edwards but Kerry seems to have larger support following."


But Lieberman is Jewish, and you know who controls the media.


"I still contend that Ventura could easily defeat any Democrat and a failing Bush."


Four years ago I would have said that, but today I would say no...

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Guest Choken One
"No chance...Gore saw that he wasn't "getting over" during his media blitz and smartly dropped out."


Nixon said the same think in '60, and look what happened 8 years later.


"I'd hope Edwards but Kerry seems to have larger support following."


But Lieberman is Jewish, and you know who controls the media.


"I still contend that Ventura could easily defeat any Democrat and a failing Bush."


Four years ago I would have said that, but today I would say no...

That's true...and Gore might need to wait until 08.




Now was that called for??? No...although I slightly agree...



Why is that? I am aware of his inability as a great Gov. but face it...Unedcuated Young people and poor people will love Ventura and vote for him just cause they like the guy.


I liked Dole, but I knew he wasn't going to be a better prez then Clinton.

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Guest Some Guy

I'd run Sharpton out there and let him get his ass kicked to shut him up if I were the Dems. HE is the only one who is not afraid to stand up to the party and they don't like independant thinkers in their party. I think Sharpton is a moron but at least he stands by his true convictions. Plus nominating a black man might help lend some credence to the Dem's claims of being the blacks heroes, which we all know is bullshit but it might help them out.


Kerry's cancer is not really a factor, his swaying on major (Iraq) and minor (Confedarate flag in S. Carolina) issues is. He needs to stand by what he really feels, too bad he can't get elected if he did.


Gephart managed to lose seats in the House last term, he won't get the nomination out of spite from his party. Same goes for Dascle.


I think the stance that these guys take on Estrada, the nominee for Ciruit Court of Appeals will decide their fate right now with Hispanics. Hispanics now out number blacks and will be a major force in the '08 campaign, blocking the nomination of the first Latino nominated is not good.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"Now was that called for??? No...although I slightly agree..."


Before anyone goes running to Dr. Tom -- that was a joke (I'm sure you took it as such Choken). And yes, I believe the Holocaust happened.


"Why is that? I am aware of his inability as a great Gov. but face it...Unedcuated Young people and poor people will love Ventura and vote for him just cause they like the guy."


It just seems like he's lost his luster. He's been in office for a term and really didn't seem to do much (which isn't always a bad thing). I don't live in MN, and the biggest thing I heard him try to is reform the state legislature. He just seemed fed up with the system, but if he gives an endorsement to a Third Party, and that Party can get a sensible political message out during Campaign ‘04, that party could have some fun on the campaign trail, especially if Jesse tags along...

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Guest Ace309
I think the stance that these guys take on Estrada, the nominee for Ciruit Court of Appeals will decide their fate right now with Hispanics. Hispanics now out number blacks and will be a major force in the '08 campaign, blocking the nomination of the first Latino nominated is not good.


Which is really unfortunate, since I understand there are a lot of reasons to rightfully block his nomination.

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Guest spiny norman

I would actually say their best choice would be Hillary Clinton. I think I heard she doesn't want to, but she would be a popular person for the public. On the other hand, she is a woman, and I can't see people voting for a woman to lead them.

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Guest JMA
and they don't like independant thinkers in their party.

Neither do Republicans. And like I said when I started this thread: don't use it as a forum to bash Democrats.

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Guest Choken One
I would actually say their best choice would be Hillary Clinton. I think I heard she doesn't want to, but she would be a popular person for the public. On the other hand, she is a woman, and I can't see people voting for a woman to lead them.

YIKES! Are you Mad man? They might as well roll over and die...It'd only become the Bill Clinton Show.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"I would actually say their best choice would be Hillary Clinton. I think I heard she doesn't want to, but she would be a popular person for the public. On the other hand, she is a woman, and I can't see people voting for a woman to lead them."


Oh, I would wet my pants if she ran in '04. She'd get blasted out of the water before she even dipped her big toe in...

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Guest Choken One

Exactly...She won in New York merely because Rudy dropped out. Simple as that. She wouldn't stand a chance...


I wish McCain would run as an Indy...just to make it fun...

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Guest JMA
I wish McCain would run as an Indy...just to make it fun...

McCain is probably the only Republican I would ever vote for. I like nearly anyone who dislikes Faux News. MCCain even started a boycott against it. And unlike others (both Dems and Repubs) he has the balls to critisise his own party.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Despite his differences with his Party, McCain is not going to run as an Indy -- Hell, he's not even the biggest "maverick" in the Senate. There are other politicians that buck their Party's philosophy more often than McCain *coughcouchZellMillercoughcough.* But of course since Zell (a Dem I wouldn't mind having represent me) didn't ride on a bus last election season and doesn't ride on Big Media's jock you don't hear about him. I wonder why...

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Guest Brian

I'm guessing never. Psychology, there's always a residual sexist-based resentation with putting a woman in such a powerful position.

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Guest Choken One

It'll be long after my years...


I DO believe that we'll get an Black or Hispanic President within the next 20 years.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

I still think Powell should run.


I might even vote for him if he doesn't have to be a tool spokesperson of Bush.

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Guest Some Guy
and they don't like independant thinkers in their party.

Neither do Republicans. And like I said when I started this thread: don't use it as a forum to bash Democrats.

True enough. I couldn't resist taking the jab. My bad.


I don;t think that sexism would keep Clinton out. A lot of people just hate her and with pretty good reason.


I DO believe that we'll get an Black or Hispanic President within the next 20 years.


ANd I'd bet it'll be a Republican. Many of the black Dems are SHarpton and Jackson-like. People don't want a racist Pres., espessially not one who hates the majority population of the country.


I still think Powell should run.


Nah, he's too liberal. :)

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Guest Choken One

All right..Here we go..Start the Debate about Who would be a better president



Liberal or Conservative...




I say FUCK all Liberals and Double Fuck all Conservatives....

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Guest Some Guy
All right..Here we go..Start the Debate about Who would be a better president



Liberal or Conservative...




I say FUCK all Liberals and Double Fuck all Conservatives....

We were both joking.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"I'm guessing never. Psychology, there's always a residual sexist-based resentation with putting a woman in such a powerful position."


There's always some wacko contingent out there that won't vote for someone due to race, gender, politics. From what I read, Kennedy getting elected was big news because he was Catholic.


I've been saying for two years that Powell is going to be Bush's VP in '04, but Bush has said recently that he'll keep Cheney, which I think is a mistake. I'd have someone to be waiting in the wings for the GOP in '08 (providing Bush gets re-elected).


I also think the first minority president will be a Republican, unless it's a woman than I think Democrats might have a shot at it. It'll be great to see Jesse Jackson lead rallies against this future, Uncle Tom, err, candidate...

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Guest NoCalMike

Do you think this next election will be as close and as nasty as the 2000 elections? It is still early to tell because 2003 will have a LOT to do with the next presidential election. Right now I would say Bush has a great chance at re-election even though I would be pissed, it still seems the most likely thing to happen AT THIS POINT.

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