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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent


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Uh oh, and I've SEEN APO after he presses the ban button on someone. Remember the orgasmic look Buh Buh would get after he put a woman through a table? It's creepier than that.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

APO owns. you take his mod power and I leave...


damnit now he's toast.

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Guest Coffey
So you're bent that he closed the anglesault thread that got bumped from 2002. Not to mention the general retardation that was going on in said thread.

it was funny..

...it was goddamn stupid. It got closed as I was replying to it. I wanted to (yet again) point out how Test wasn't solely at fault in the Wrestlemania 17 match (which people seem to forget). Sure, Test got his foot caught in the rope, but Saturn and the ref (two full grown men) couldn't free him. Not to mention Eddie Guerrero FELL OUT OF THE DAMN RING and took a faceplant on the floor.


The match was bad for a lot of reasons, and not all of them pointed to Test.


The thread shouldn't have been bumped to begin with and it should've been closed sooner.

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Uh oh, and I've SEEN APO after he presses the ban button on someone. Remember the orgasmic look Buh Buh would get after he put a woman through a table? It's creepier than that.

Hey now... chicks dig that look, dammit!

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Poor APO. He's almost as much a nerd as Dutch is. And that's saying something.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'm sickly good at thumb wrestling. Could have been math, could have been painting, computers, a number of things, but no. I'm really good at thumb wrestling. My right thumb is like a miniature fire hydrant; it can't be crushed or defeated or reasoned with.

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I'm sickly good at thumb wrestling. Could have been math, could have been painting, computers, a number of things, but no. I'm really good at thumb wrestling. My right thumb is like a miniature fire hydrant; it can't be crushed or defeated or reasoned with.

So are you saying your thumb would be doing hard time if it ever got free?

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