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Mad Scientist

First Match is in - any feedback?

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Anyone willing to give me a little feedback? Was the match on the mark, way off, close but no banana?

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OK, I'll bite. It's kind of hard to take this seriously, because in all honesty you seem to have such a good grasp of the fed - the announcer's characters, manatee matches, all that sort of thing - that you have either done a hell of a lot of research or you're a damn ringer who's stringing us along, and I'm more inclined towards the latter. However, since the same accusation was levelled at me once...


It's a good match. No, it's a damn good match. I have one problem, just one, with the entire thing, which is where Tod gets down off the turnbuckle and swings but Alexander counters into a release Dragon Suplex. My reading of it was that Alexander slipped behind Tod and suplexed him, which should see Tod hitting the turnbuckles rather than landing in the middle of the ring, but maybe I misread and the force of Tod's swing spun him around as Alexander ducked, allowing him to then hit the suplex. Apart from that the disdain Alexander has for his opponent, Tod's doomed attempts at offence, the repeated and relentless work on the leg to set up the finisher, all works for me. Alexander gets put over as a confident, competent and skilled technical wrestler with a nice streak in assholery who destroys a jobber. If you truly are new to this game, I can't wait to see what you're going to be pulling out once you've settled in.

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I made a serious effort to read the latest serious of matches before I wrote mine up. And the manatee match from the 13th Hour PPV was stuck in my mind. I just had to comment on it. Just the thought of someone wrestling in that kind of outfit...I had to comment on it in some way.


And I'm really not any kind of ringer. Seriously. I know that of course that's exactly what I'd say if I was a ringer, but I'm being honest. I'm just a longtime wrestling fan. I had almost jumped into the SWF when I first joined SM forums back in '06, but had a ton of personal stuff pop up at once (new job, new town to move into, new baby to figure out - the diapers go on the bottom end of the baby, I discovered :P) to get used into anything. I was barely able to post on the regular forums for a good long while, as my post counter indicates.


I do take that as a compliment, though.


I had meant to note that Tod has swung almost completely around from the force of his missed punch, but looking back I realize I forgot to write that part in. His swing and miss was supposed to end with him facing the ropes/turnbuckle, and the dragon suplex would therefore place him into the center of the ring.


Thanks for the compliments, and I'll try and keep the good stuff up.


OK, I'll bite. It's kind of hard to take this seriously, because in all honesty you seem to have such a good grasp of the fed - the announcer's characters, manatee matches, all that sort of thing - that you have either done a hell of a lot of research or you're a damn ringer who's stringing us along, and I'm more inclined towards the latter. However, since the same accusation was levelled at me once...


It's a good match. No, it's a damn good match. I have one problem, just one, with the entire thing, which is where Tod gets down off the turnbuckle and swings but Alexander counters into a release Dragon Suplex. My reading of it was that Alexander slipped behind Tod and suplexed him, which should see Tod hitting the turnbuckles rather than landing in the middle of the ring, but maybe I misread and the force of Tod's swing spun him around as Alexander ducked, allowing him to then hit the suplex. Apart from that the disdain Alexander has for his opponent, Tod's doomed attempts at offence, the repeated and relentless work on the leg to set up the finisher, all works for me. Alexander gets put over as a confident, competent and skilled technical wrestler with a nice streak in assholery who destroys a jobber. If you truly are new to this game, I can't wait to see what you're going to be pulling out once you've settled in.

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