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Guest Vitamin X
I got a suggestion here and I don't think it warranted a thread (and I'm not sure where to put it). Anywho, is there any way to implement a rule where you have to have a certain amount of posts to be able to start threads. I'm bringing this up cause this Display Name guy is goin' nuts starting crappy threads and most crappy threads seem to be started by newbs. I just think it'd be a good idea for the newbs to get an idea what goes in what folder and the dynamics of this board before they start asking us what WWE DVDs they should buy in the Movies folder and if they put music in the Chocolate Socket.


I think there was some discussion here and in TCS about possibly starting a "trial period" group with some limited permissions for people under 100 posts. I was in favor of it, but nothing ever really came out of that especially after all the drama we had when we first took over the board.


If anyone else supports this idea, speak your mind now and we'll go over it.

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Anything to keep Buggerhen on a tighter leash.


I don't think that you should implement this rule until NHB posts begin to factor into t'count.

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I got a suggestion here and I don't think it warranted a thread (and I'm not sure where to put it). Anywho, is there any way to implement a rule where you have to have a certain amount of posts to be able to start threads. I'm bringing this up cause this Display Name guy is goin' nuts starting crappy threads and most crappy threads seem to be started by newbs. I just think it'd be a good idea for the newbs to get an idea what goes in what folder and the dynamics of this board before they start asking us what WWE DVDs they should buy in the Movies folder and if they put music in the Chocolate Socket.


I think there was some discussion here and in TCS about possibly starting a "trial period" group with some limited permissions for people under 100 posts. I was in favor of it, but nothing ever really came out of that especially after all the drama we had when we first took over the board.


If anyone else supports this idea, speak your mind now and we'll go over it.


I, for one, am strongly in favor of it

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I got a suggestion here and I don't think it warranted a thread (and I'm not sure where to put it). Anywho, is there any way to implement a rule where you have to have a certain amount of posts to be able to start threads. I'm bringing this up cause this Display Name guy is goin' nuts starting crappy threads and most crappy threads seem to be started by newbs. I just think it'd be a good idea for the newbs to get an idea what goes in what folder and the dynamics of this board before they start asking us what WWE DVDs they should buy in the Movies folder and if they put music in the Chocolate Socket.


I think there was some discussion here and in TCS about possibly starting a "trial period" group with some limited permissions for people under 100 posts. I was in favor of it, but nothing ever really came out of that especially after all the drama we had when we first took over the board.


If anyone else supports this idea, speak your mind now and we'll go over it.


I, for one, am strongly in favor of it


Same here. It would cut down on a lot of garbage threads.

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I got a suggestion here and I don't think it warranted a thread (and I'm not sure where to put it). Anywho, is there any way to implement a rule where you have to have a certain amount of posts to be able to start threads. I'm bringing this up cause this Display Name guy is goin' nuts starting crappy threads and most crappy threads seem to be started by newbs. I just think it'd be a good idea for the newbs to get an idea what goes in what folder and the dynamics of this board before they start asking us what WWE DVDs they should buy in the Movies folder and if they put music in the Chocolate Socket.


I think there was some discussion here and in TCS about possibly starting a "trial period" group with some limited permissions for people under 100 posts. I was in favor of it, but nothing ever really came out of that especially after all the drama we had when we first took over the board.


If anyone else supports this idea, speak your mind now and we'll go over it.

So, is this the "Larvae" member group? What restrictions are built in to this grouping?

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Cannot e-mail members of the board

Cannot use PM system

Cannot create topics

Cannot vote in polls

Cannot change display name

Cannot upload avatars


Larvae are moved to members when they hit 25 posts.

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Won't that just lead to 25 posts of quick one word responses in a few threads to get up to member status?

They will get banned for spamming. I think we all know when someone's trying to reach a number for the sake of just reaching the number.


I'm currently going through the list and adding people in. People I spot with less than that number that I seem to have missed...I'll put them in. If we need to in the future, the number can be made higher.


Everyone in a draft stays out, though.

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Guest !!!

Has anyone encountered a problem when initially visiting the main page where you get a message telling you that "Acrobat Reader cannot open these PDF files in a web browser" or something? I've gotten it on computers that are not my own, like library computers and so forth, and I was wondering if anyone else has had this come up. It could just be me.

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Guest !!!

You can't be that sore about the NBA Finals, can you?


I'm glad I changed my member group from red to teal. Red says authority. Red says stop. Red is oppressive. Teal carries no connotations other than the Charlotte Hornets.

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Naw, I'm not. Just never liked green in the first place, even when I was a little kid. My mom always tells me how much I used to hate green when the subject comes up. Originally I thought of making the Larvae group a bold white.


We have the awaiting authorization group as green too. Didn't think it fit to have two the same.

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I'm having some weird issues with getting the pages to load sometimes. Whenever I either refresh the page or make a post using the quick response box, the page acts like it's loading but never does. The TSM banner and all the Controls stuff loads, but the rest gets stuck in limbo. Meanwhile, if I just go back and click on it manually, everything works fine. This happening to anyone else?


EDIT: my browser crashed, and I had to restart my computer. Now everything seems to work normally. Huh. Whatever. Nevermind.

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Guest Vitamin X

I personally picked the green color and was miffed to see it go maroon, but it's better than white since I'm using the TSM Original skin and would therefore look fucked up to me. I mean hell, I think Larvae, I think green, amirite?

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As TSM Ombudsman, I'd like to point out that the Chocolate Socket is supposed to be an uncensored folder where anything goes, and closing threads should not be occuring. That's nice that Agent doesn't want to read a thread about Noah Fentz, but instead of closing it, he should just ignore it and the thread will go away. Locking threads defeats the whole purpose of an anything goes folder.

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95% of the threads in TCS are rampant stupidity. Kind of the point of the folder. If someone doesn't like a thread, the simplest way to react is to not click on it.


One of the things I always used to hate about TSM was how the NHB folder was moderated. You couldn't do this and that (no racist stuff, come on) and threads would be closed. Which to me defeats the purpose of a NHB type folder.


Since I couldn't respond in the thread itself-


bob, if you ever try to tell me what should and shouldn't happen in here ever again, I'll ban your ass.


You wave that e-dick around!




I guess that's a no?

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That's idiotic.


The Chocolate Socket is supposed to be an anything goes, uncensored, no rules folder. Having it be "someone's folder" defeats that whole purpose.

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"What the fuck is this gay shit doing in my Chocolate Negro?" was the only useful or amusing thing said in that entire thread. I applaud Agent's vigilance.

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