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Fucking Mexicans

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I was security today at the junkyard and had to repeatedly bring parts that were shoved under the fence back into the yard. A group of friggin Mexicans kept doing it and when the other guy finally caught them they sped off (well as much as you can) in their piece of shit Honda Civic. They were trying to steal a bunch of different 5-10 dollar parts. Cheap fucking bastards.


You Mexicans out there need to cut this shit out.

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Remember when Incandenza wanted to have anal with that Mexican chick that had hair all around there?

Is that the one who broke up with him because she thought he and "The Czech Republic" were having a secret cyber-romance? I'm Inc's official historian, you know, so I have to keep track of this stuff.

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black people make a mess of the tire department too. I wanna say niggers. Can I say niggers in here? If so then niggers keep making a mess of the tire department. They just can't seem to put shit away that they pull out.


White people and asians just try to haggle the prices and I can tell them to shut the fuck up or leave. Mexicans and niggers (niggers to me refers to the lazy black people that do stupid shit. KOAB is a black person while the dude that messed up the tire department is a nigger, ya dig?) do some stupid shit where I have to actually do extra work. They're starting to piss me off.

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niggers to me refers to the lazy black people that do stupid shit. KOAB is a black person while the dude that messed up the tire department is a nigger, ya dig

Fridge Rock all of a sudden.

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niggers to me refers to the lazy black people that do stupid shit. KOAB is a black person while the dude that messed up the tire department is a nigger, ya dig


I always thought that logic is fucking retarded.

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Fucking Mexicans can be fun


Last time I did... I ended up impregnating the bitch... :(


and now she's in your basement like you got a mankind bitch. when she comes out does a sweet piano theme hit and do you get hit with the mandible claw?

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That's their form of foreplay. Mandible claw until a rigormortis like state takes a hold of him then she rides him..

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some dirty Puerto Rican took a shit in the middle of the Toyota section today. I almost stepped in it and since I knew it was him (it was real early, the pile was steaming, and he was the only one around) I proceeded to kick his cheap toolbox over into a puddle of mud saturated with radiator fluid.

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I demand a rant on Zoroastrians of Bahrainian descent.


Watch out for some of their brothers though.

Whoa jesus you ain't kidding. My brother's wife is puerto rican, and she's a perfectly cute little petite chick who looks like she could be equally comfortable in a boardroom or going clubbing. Meanwhile, her terrifying brothers are all 400-pound monsters who look like villains from The Shield.

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Jews can afford to buy new cars.



And Fridge is bouncing at the junkyard? Is this a part-time job or has there been a huge development i've missed between Chef ->Military -> Junkyard Bouncer.

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niggers to me refers to the lazy black people that do stupid shit. KOAB is a black person while the dude that messed up the tire department is a nigger, ya dig


I always thought that logic is fucking retarded.



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Matt Young used to have sex with a Mexican, no?


Yeah. More than one, actually, but the one in question was the biggest mistake I've ever made. And before anyone says it, yes, I know you all told me so. What can I say? I drank a lot back then.


Still, Mexican girls in general are a good thing.

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Jews can afford to buy new cars.



And Fridge is bouncing at the junkyard? Is this a part-time job or has there been a huge development i've missed between Chef ->Military -> Junkyard Bouncer.

I'm not a bouncer, I do all sorts of shit there.

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