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Persona 4

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I...I must admit I'm trying to finally beat 3 before I put in 4, for the reasons stated.


Obviously I have to play 3 before 4 or 3 will be slightly bad by comparison.


I'm on 6/6...so much more to go...

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Christ. I finished out at 66. I'll probably put in another 70 or 80 when I try to max stuff out in New Game +, but still.

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I picked this up a couple days ago. I've never played any of the other games in the series, but I gotta say, I love this game. It's hilarious and lots of fun. I probably wouldn't have given it a chance if it werent for the reviews here but I'm sure glad I did.

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I actually JUST beat P3 and started P4 today.


How long ago did I start this thread??


In any event...


I really really liked the music at the end of P3. The remix of the sad, Dying Man music in the dorms and *especially* the bad ass Town music from New Years onward. Just splended.


Kiiiiind of got a Eva-esque vibe from the ending, very Japanese. But, all in all, satisfying. Although what was up with all the focus on Aigis? Maybe FES would explain it better with her being a social character and all.


Finally Messiah was QUITE a letdown. Not too surprising since 50% of his learned abilities came from a level 6 Orpheus. Also, I made Thanatos before I really REALLY internalized how critical Growth 2 or 3 is for a persona... So, yeah. Letdown.

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Apparently Aigis is the focus of "The Answer".


I still haven't beaten 3. I had to take a break for a while before I picked it up again a few days ago. I'm right at the start of December, so I'm down the home stretch. But man, maxing those social links is a pain in the ass. It's annoying having to juggle all those relationships. I've managed to max out 5 or 6 of them, with a couple more in the 7 or 8 range. It sucks when you forget to go out on a Sunday and miss the Dying Man link, since he's only there one day a freakin' week! Now I don't even know if I'm going to have enough time to max him out and still get everyone else.

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In my experience, women are just troublesome.


Especially Yuko.


Good Christ that girl was needy. I must have put in a million dates just to max her out for what, for Seigfreid? Okay, Seigfriend was pretty good, but still. Mitsuko wasn't half, wasn't a third, wasn't even a quarter as needy. And I got all the answers right too, had a FAQ and everything.


It is kind of frustrating that people get so mad at you, but I guess that's just the way of it. By the end of the game I had Fool (of course) Magician, Empress, Hanged Man, Hermit, Temperance, Star, Sun, Moon, Tower, Devil, Death (of course) Chariot, Strength, Heirophant, Judgement (of course) maxed, and Priestess, Fortune, Lovers, and Judgement were reversed. Fucking needs bitches. I tried to get Emperor maxed out, but decided that it was more important to get Temperance, since you need the special Temp. persona to get the special Hierophant one. Both of which kind of sucked.


Like I said above, Growth 3, Invigorate 3, those are the most important abilities in the game.


Alice w/ her Die For Me! and DaiSouJou with his Very High Chance all Dark and Light kills, with Hama Amp and Mudo Amp respectively...


Thanatos easily learns Die For Me, but NOT Mudo Amp so have him inherit that or you'll be sorry. If you can get some growth on him that would be nice. And his Tempest Blade seems to be completely out of control.


But you'll find out that Victory Shout is by far the strongest skill in the game, I think...

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Dude I have no idea what those later attack skills are. I'm still only in my late 60's, and glad I could finally create Horus and Hell Rider. Some of these Persona's are damn near impossible to create. I still can't make a King Frost. Is it a final fuse or what? I've looked at FAQs and everything, but every time I try to create it with the "recipe" given, it doesn't show up.

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The ones I mentioned are from P3 not P4, I dunno if they're still in.


I hope so. But then again, some logistics are *very* different.

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I have a question about P4 (since this topic seemed to turn into a P3 love-fest). I've been looking all over the friggen place, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to make the "super special maxed out ultimate personas" that you get for maxing out NPC social links. One of them showed up on the fusion list in the 5 point list, but the rest aren't on any of my lists in game and nowhere to be found online.

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