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The Rules/Feedback/FAQ/Links/Etc Thread

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Combining the feedback, rules, and chat call out thread into one basically since the pinned threads felt a bit crowded and I wanted to also add some links as well.



Board Rules

1: This is the old TSM. Use your brain. If something could be taken as way too far/get you suspended by the Mods, maybe rethink doing it.


2: No obvious porn/nudity in folders outside of LSD. Make sure they are NOT underage! (That means they must be 18 minimum) If they are or the Mods think they could be, the post in question will be immediately deleted and you will be warned.


3: Try to keep pictures SFW outside of folders like LSD or GTG. Use spoiler tags if you're unsure if it would be appropriate or not. Same goes for any overly graphic/gory images as well.


4: We let you change your usernames whenever you want. Don't abuse this privilege. Just toss your best known handle in your custom title underneath so we know who you are. If you don't do this, we will.


No Slurs, Cussing, or inappropriate words in your username. Terms like "Fuck," "Shit," "God Only Saves Kikes," etc. will be removed. Custom titles may have moderate cursing but use common sense.


5: Keep the usage of slurs to a minimum outside of GTG, ESPECIALLY in thread titles. General cussing is allowed but try to use smarter word choices if necessary.


Chat is a generally different beast but refrain from bringing sensitive material from there to the board when possible. Be aware of other posters and know that joking about _____ can be fun but can also strike a nerve in chat/board. If somebody complains about being offended, respect their wishes and knock it off. Don't abuse the 'being offended' tactic or you'll get a warning. Try to keep it to serious matters only. We really hope to get a chat someday.


6: Do not involve a user's family when insulting them in a post.


Personal attacks are at the discretion of mods. Using the words of a poster against them/mocking their own words & phrases does not constitute a personal attack. You all know what the boundaries are but avoid going into areas that imply bodily harm/death. If a person has admitted to a mental disorder, try not to use that against them. Some common sense is all we ask.


7: Try to keep most topics on the subject matter of the thread topic. We'll allow some leeway but if it starts getting too derailed, we'll step in and remind posters to get back on topic.


8: Do not use real names of posters as your board handles unless that name is your own.


9. Do not abuse the Report a Post feature. It's for serious issues only. Repeated abuses will get a warning.


10. If you are warned/suspended, please feel free to discuss it with the Mods. We try to include the reason why in the initial warning/suspension but are willing to talk it out. Bringing it to the board (either immediately or after you've returned) will only serve to make your situation far worse.






This is the only link we have.


Board History

2015 - This site was reborn. Nothing important happened before that year.



So if you have any feedback, links you think we should include, questions about board history, want to let people know you're in the chat (should we get one) and are lonely, etc feel free.



Mar 28 2015 Update (in gimmick)


To all fellow TSM-Comrades,


The Moderation-Bureau would like to correct some misinformation that has been released by enemies of the state, right-deviationists, and leenaists. TSM as a board of equals does not have a "owner". Comrade Mike the Dumbass does not own this board nor anything else. The Moderation-Bureau as a group holds this board in trust until the day the posters have achieved idealogical purity and are ready to be given control. Until then we must protect you from yourselves.





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