Hi there Ortonsault, are you comfortable and angry?
Comfortable and furious, TSM.
Then go ahead and speak for America, Ortonsault.
Ok, here it goes. The first four rounds of the TSM Poster Tournament were fun. I voted for Slayer, but only until it was time to set up the dream finale between Carnival and Czech. Slayer, however, slew the mighty Carnival. We then had a very anticlimactic championship bout.
Bottom line, America? I'm declaring that my tournament—the Ortonsault World Order—is the only legitimate poster tournament. Why? It's my birthday today, and so hey! (hey!) nothing you can say! (say!).
Princess Leena
--------------------Princess Leena
The Dames
----------------------------------------Princess Leena
The Amazing Rando
------------------------------------------------------------Princess Leena
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Princess Leena
Hot Dicky Shoe
Heel Turn
--------------------Heel Turn
Face Turn
The Czech Republic
--------------------The Czech Republic
Eddie Winslow
----------------------------------------The Czech Republic
Every Christmas, I like to give myself a particular present: a fantasy football championship. I play in only two leagues, and so this gift is not easy to get.
A 1-4 start. 48 points in week 5. Time to give up on this league and focus on the other one. Not! Never give up until the very end.
A solid 6-win streak puts me back in contention. But then I lost two more times. Fortunately, the tiebreaker worked out so that all I needed to do in week 14 was win. And I won big, because I am Mr. Clutch. And so, I made it into the playoffs as the 4 seed. Of course that means I have to play against the 1 seed. Manning. Moss. Braylon. Burress. Witten. Dang.
Ha! Despite Westbrook's non-TD run, I won easily! Now for the 2 seed in the championship.
Thank you, Warner and Cotchery. If I had started Driver over Cotchery, I would have lost. Winners adapt.
Winning is a skill.