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Cyber Mark's House Of Fun!!!! With added fun!!!!!

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A ranking of the songs on Kid A.

10. 'Treefingers' 09. 'In Limbo' 08. 'Optimistic' 07. 'Kid A' 06. 'The Morning Bell' 05. 'Everything in Its Right Place' 04. 'Motion Picture Soundtrack' 03. 'The National Anthem' 02. 'How to Disappear Completely' 01. 'Idioteque'   Discuss.

Copper Feel

Copper Feel


Stuff this white person likes. In bold.

* #107 Self Aware Hip Hop References * #106 Facebook * #105 Unpaid Internships * #104 Girls with Bangs * #103 Sweaters * #102 Children’s Games as Adults * #101 Being Offended * #100 Bumper Stickers * #99 Grammar * #98 The Ivy League * #97 Scarves * #96 New Balance Shoes * #95 Rugby * #94 Free Healthcare * #93 Music Piracy * #92 Book Deals * #91 San Francisco * #90 Dinner Parties * #89 St. Patrick’s Day * #88 Having Gay Friends * #87 Outdoor Performance Clothes * #86 Shorts * #85 The Wire * #84 T-Shirts * #83 Bad Memories of High School * #82 Hating Corporations * #81 Graduate School * #80 The Idea of Soccer * #79 Modern Furniture * #78 Multilingual Children * #77 Musical Comedy * #76 Bottles of Water * #75 Threatening to Move to Canada * #74 Oscar Parties * #73 Gentrification * #72 Study Abroad * #71 Being the only white person around * #70 Difficult Breakups * #69 Mos Def * #68 Michel Gondry * #67 Standing Still at Concerts * #66 Divorce * #65 Co-Ed Sports * #64 Recycling * #63 Expensive Sandwiches * #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People * #61 Bicycles * #60 Toyota Prius * #59 Natural Medicine * #58 Japan * #57 Juno * #56 Lawyers * #55 Apologies * #54 Kitchen Gadgets * #53 Dogs * #52 Sarah Silverman * #51 Living by the Water * #50 Irony * #49 Vintage * #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops * #47 Arts Degrees * #46 The Sunday New York Times * #45 Asian Fusion Food * #44 Public Radio * #43 Plays * #42 Sushi * #41 Indie Music * #40 Apple Products * #39 Netflix * #38 Arrested Development * #37 Renovations * #36 Breakfast Places * #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report * #34 Architecture * #33 Marijuana * #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism * #31 Snowboarding * #30 Wrigley Field * #29 80s Night * #28 Not having a TV * #27 Marathons * #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!) * #25 David Sedaris * #24 Wine * #23 Microbreweries * #22 Having Two Last Names * #21 Writers Workshops * #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture * #19 Traveling * #18 Awareness * #17 Hating their Parents * #16 Gifted Children * #15 Yoga * #14 Having Black Friends * #13 Tea * #12 Non-Profit Organizations * #11 Asian Girls * #10 Wes Anderson Movies * #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside * #8 Barack Obama * #7 Diversity * #6 Organic Food * #5 Farmer’s Markets * #4 Assists * #3 Film Festivals * #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to * #1 Coffee  

Copper Feel

Copper Feel


Ask me questions and shit.

Much like Milky before me, I shall answer everything truthfully. I understand that I am nowhere near to being as established as he's, so this is going to be a blog rather than a thread. Don't be scared lesser known posters!   Van Halen, here's your chance to glean some wisdom.

Copper Feel

Copper Feel
