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On: Jon and society

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My roommate Jon. He is the definition of average. No goals, no ambition...basically he just sleepwalks through life buying things to fill the void. "Look at my new stereo system!" "Check out these new TV cords! Damn that picture is clear!" Every week I hear a rant about how he is sick of his laziness and that he is going to start living and working out. Every week....no changes yet. And I've known him for two years.


ALL of his actions are to help benefit society or attract women. "Dude, you don't HAVE to get married" I said. "No, the whole purpose of life is to pass on your seed and that is society's way of doing it". He came to my work and bought some new Raulph Lauren designer towels. "This will attract the chicks" he says. Yeah.


He buys all the top brands of clothes....whatever is in style. He buys watches, stereos, high definition televisions, new rims for his car, towels and blankets.....towels and FUCKING blankets! all for other people. He is indecisive, has no idea what to major in, and never follows through with plans. Is this a real man? He blindly goes after women so he can say he has one...and when he has one he won't stop comlaining. Everyone know a guy like this. Guys like this need to ask themselves who the master of their destiny is.


"Someday my dream will come. One night you'll wake up and you'll discover it never happened. It's all turned around on you and it never will. Suddenly you are old, didn't happened and it never will, 'cause you were never going to do it anyway."


This quote scares the hell out of me. It's from Collateral, which is a great movie for seeing two completely different types of people spending a night together (uh, not sexually)


About two years ago I started follow eastern philosophies. They really are much different than western ones, much better. It's all about the now. "What you need, you will not get" Be happy with what you have NOW. If you don't like what you have now, CHANGE IT. Opportunities are infinite. The media has us thinking otherwise, and that's why I've eliminated it from my life all together, besides RAW and ECW basically. After learning about subliminal advertising in my classes last fall I just cannot stand television.


Back to Jon. I hate his thinking. He can change, but will he? Who knows. He should be doing what HE wants. Dress how he wants to dress. But they might call you selfish! "He is selfish" some girl will say about a guy that she doesn't like. Of course he is. EVERYONE is selfish. Every action everyone makes benefits themself. Selfishness is a universal truth and it's not a negative thing. In fact, I'd say people aren't selfish enough.


This is our chance on this planet....Fuck it, I'm going to enjoy it.

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