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Four Things

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The Four Mindsets that HOLD ME BACK:


1) Used to be: Thinking about how things used to be easier. This usually refers to childhood, ages 05-13, like that was a golden era of life that is now over and will never be back. "The good days are over and now life sucks"


2) Why did this happen to me waaaaah: Crying about past experiences. My parents were means *cries*. Often used with "I would do _____ but ______ happened so I can't"


3) What if.....: What if I mess up What if I look like a fool? What if I lose money? What if this girl doesn't like me? What if TSM poster make fun of me? :D


4) I'll do it later: I'll do better in school next semester. I'll start working out next week. Once I get _____ (sunglasses, jeans, some material item) I'll be happy.


Gotta focus on the present.


I'm off to work.

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