The Most overrated Horror Movies ever made
Earlier, I promised that yuou would see my list of what I think are the most overrated Horror Movies ever. Well, here's my list.
-Friday the 13th Part 4-I never got the love for this one. Sure, it's got some nice kills, but it's also not the best of the series (I think that would have to be Part 2). Plus, Jason is killed by Cory Feldman. Seriously, of all the people, why him?
-The Lost Boys-Everyone seems to love this one but me. Sure, it has it's moments, but compared to "From Dusk Till Dawn" or "Near Dark" (which came out that year), it's inferior. Check out "Near Dark" instead, which is considered a horror classic for good reasons.
-Cannibal Holocaust-Whether or not it inspired Blair Witch is beyond the point: this one is not as good as it's reputation says it is. Sure, the score is nice, and it is disturbing at times, but for the most part it fails due to some weak gore and the fact that it tries so hard to shock you, that you just grow bored. Then there's the whole "I wonder who the real savages are" ending which is forced and contrived. Seriously, this movie condemning sensationalism while wallowing in rape, tortue, and animal mutilation is pretty hypocritical.
-Zombi 2-Lucio Fulci's gorefest is actually kind of a bore. While the good parts work, the movie is mostly really talky and boring. To those who say it's better than Romero's zombie movies: Romero's Zombie movies have interesting characters you sympathize for, have much better acting, are more professional, have a plot you can follow, and are better than this movie could ever be. Oh, and there's the fact that some talk about the film pulling off social commentary. To those who think that: Fulci always thought that such things didn't belong in his movies/
-April Fools Day-It's ironic that so many horror fans hate "Scream" but love this movie, which is more self aware, and thinks that it's smarter than it's audience. I will agree that the sequals to Scream (and the many knock offs) do fall for that trap.
-NOES 3-I have to admit, I only liked the first NOES movies. I personally think that once Freddy started saying one liners and such, the series began to suck. To this day, the popularity of this movie alludes me.