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I just got off work, and am kind of pissed off. Fat women shopping, spending hundreds on clothes, shoes, nonsense. Fat women complaining to me how they don't make "cute" clothes in their size (geez, I wonder why). These women choose to dress fashionably instead of making themselves attractive. Most assume young girls spend the most on clothes (they can, believe me) but fat, short haired middle aged women are the worst offenders. They also think they can break the fucking rules and return shit from months ago with no tags or receit until they nag and fucking nag enough that I cave.


Feminist: You shouldn't be around the house cleaning all the time


Feminist: You should get a career, you're not his stepping stone


Feminist: You should have more power of the marriage then your man, women are much smarter then men are.


Feminist: Use sex against him so you can get what you want.


Many women have ruined society. They will have you belive the opposite; that men are brutal pigs and are dumb as a rock. But many women, not all, but many have changed society in too many negative ways.


Women in today's society have become arrogant. Most walk around like they are fucking goddesses that we should be happy to be in their presence. They think men are dumb fucks who sit in front of the TV and that they will do "great, creative" things while the robot-like man will do the math and science. Meanwhile, the "great, creative" things women are doing will be buying two pairs of shoes, or more clothes, or anything to create the image of wealth. Women live their life to create an IMAGE, not to actually make that image a reality. They don't actually have a personality. Ask a girl what her personality is and she will describe her clothes, hair and shit like that.


Rich fat women are even worse. One lady was telling me her life story about how "cultured" she is because she has been to France, Italy, Japan, ect. Just because you were physically in another country does not make you cultured. The real person of culture is reading history in his room, alone.


A women complaining to me about how her husband left her because he was a jerk. Meanwhile, she was obese, had short hair; obviously not caring enough about the relationship to keep up with her appearance. I suppose if she left him it would be because she had matured and grown.


There are a few women I've dated (ok, I made that up) that are NOT like this, and they are great to be around. But most seem to be "do it my way or else" bitches that want to run life. They are like business men in dresses. I want a companion, not a master. Of course, if I don't get married and have kids, when I die I'll be labeled a "surpressed homosexual".


ugh I'm so pissed off. So annoyed at the materialism and pop-culture mind of these women. But I feel I've outgrown this job and I'll be quitting to get a new one this week. I've considered this for a while and it's time to act now. I'm not sure what I'm going to do but I'm sure something will come to me.

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