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7/27: #69, U.N. Deaths, Killer Mom Acquittals

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KKK's Top 103 Posters


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Number 69: Bob Barron


From his Saturday Night Live recaps that take longer to read than it would to actually watch this unfunny piece of crap program he reviews to his numerous pictures with celebrities...


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(my personal favorite)


...Bob is one of the more recognizable posters at this place. And how can he not be, considering he's had that hat longer than the Braves have been winning Division titles. I’ve talked to Bob via AIM for a few years now, and he’s a pretty nice kid. Not only is he a conservative student in a field of study (journalism) that is dominated by liberals (especially considering he goes to school in Canada), but also he’s a regular participant in my NFL Pick ‘em league. In fact, he was runner-up in KKK Bowl II. Now with all these nice things being said about him, the question is why is he ranked up so high (or "low," as the case may be) on this list? Well, Bob has the potential to capture a Top 20, or even a Top 10, spot, but the fact of the matter is, Bob, that you need some action. I know it’ll probably be a while before you experience it in the Real World, so by occupying the number 69 slot you can at least fulfill your wildest celeb fantasies on my list. Go to town big guy.


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And now a word or four from the expert panel I have put together to comment on the people I’ve listed.


From Lovecraft231:

Bob Barron needs to get over his love of Hilary Duff and shitty teen movies. It comes off as more than a little creepy.


From The Real World’s Champion:

He's always wearing that Braves hat. He switches allegiances between teams too often (Leafs/Canucks, etc.) He follows teen girl sensations so much that he's likely to get a restraining order slapped on him in the next 5 years. There's that picture of him with the tampon in his mouth. Other than that, he's alright.


From EricMM:

This guy likes Saturday Night Live. A LOT. And he likes famous people. A little too much. He likes to get his photo taken with them and its always been a little creepy. I wonder if people talk about him in VIP rooms across New York, or if he's just one of many... Maybe he needs to realize that actors are just people; hell, I'd rather have another picture of me with some of my friends than one with Sarah Jessica Parker. And that tampon picture is *awful*


From Cancer Marney:

No comment until he gets me a photo of Jeri Ryan and Kate Mulgrew in, uh, semi-costume, kissing, with lipstick marks on it. And he also has to get them together in a hotel room for me. With five bottles of '88 Cristal, a bowl of fresh strawberries, and several cans of Reddi-wip. We'll talk after that.


Oh, and for all my expert panelists: the number 68 spot is being changed for reasons you’ll understand later when he turns up again.


• The Andrea Yates story just keeps getting better. Like I said before, it’s shit like this which makes people support the death penalty. I’m guessing she gets released from the crazy house in 5-10 years. I think what’s even more disgusting is that her ex-husband was complaining not because Andrea was now found innocent but because it took two juries to reach a not guilty verdict. He then griped about all the tax dollars being spent for the two trials. Maybe it indeed was best for these kids that they got killed relatively early on in their lives before their parents could do some real damage to them.


• So the United Nations decides to stick around in a war zone and several “observers” got killed by an Israeli rocket, prompting Kofi Annan to say that it appeared that Israel was targeting his people. Well Israel did say they were going to go after terrorists. When I first heard this my guess was that Hezbollah was probably moving closer to that U.N. outpost; a letter Glenn Beck read earlier today on his radio show confirmed my guess. According to this letter, one of the observers who eventually was killed in the strike said that the Israeli shelling they were experiencing had not been deliberate but due to a tactical necessity. Gee, terrorists moving toward civilians/non-aggressors in hopes of innocent lives being lost? That’s a newsflash.


• This has been a pretty depressing entry, what with moms getting off from killing their kids and the Mideast going to hell in a handbasket. However, there is some good news on the horizon; score one for the good guys in the eminent domain struggle. Fuck you Big Government. Fuck you Big Private Land Developer. Fuck you Five Communists on the Supreme Court.

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Bob, from the looks of your pictures...you got your ass kicked A LOT in school, didn't you. Like, did you EVER get to keep your lunch money?


Never got my ass kicked once. No one really ever got beat up at my school. Plus I usually brought my lunch.


With my mouth and the horribly offensive things that come out of it, people always say I'm going to get beat up one day. I'm still waiting.

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Bob, from the looks of your pictures...you got your ass kicked A LOT in school, didn't you. Like, did you EVER get to keep your lunch money?

With my mouth and the horribly offensive things that come out of it, people always say I'm going to get beat up one day. I'm still waiting.


Nah, I think more people would just laugh because it's coming from someone like you... don't take that as an insult, I have a friend who's basically the same way and he's untouchable.


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A midget once threatened to kick my ass because he thought we were making fun of him. But he didn't, he just cursed me out. My friend was hoping he'd take a run at me since he thought it'd be funny to fight a midget.

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A midget once threatened to kick my ass because he thought we were making fun of him. But he didn't, he just cursed me out. My friend was hoping he'd take a run at me since he thought it'd be funny to fight a midget.


Bob weren't you in my Dungeons & Dragons club?


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