Here's your ticket to come and get wicked
-It seems like a woman was fired from her job as a sunday school teacher in New York because she's a woman. Read the story here. And people wonder why I became a deist.
-I just saw Dante Tomaselli's new movie "Satan's Playground". Avoid it. I wrote a review for it on the Internet Movie Database, and it should be up soon.
-Salon is retarded. According to them, "24" needs to stop. Well gee, I'm sorry that it didn't have enough about why Bush is a horrible president, you stupid fucks. Read it here. At least they ripped on Nancy Grace.
-Geraldo has a problem with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Seriously, has anybody ever taken Geraldo fucking seriously. The guy is a gigantic dick, and is only good for the unintentional humor he provides.
-I went to the mall again last Thursday. Why? Because I needed some new t-shirts. I didn't find any that were good unfortunately, though Spencers at least plays better music than Hot Topic. I do find it amusing, that so many kids sepend so much money on anti-Bush t-shirts, when they have no idea they are falling into the hands of the same corperations they so lovingly rail against.
That's all for now. Next time: A review of Edward Lee's book "The Bighead"