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Fucking neighbors

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Gary Floyd


-Well, the last two nights have sucked. Two nights ago, idiots outside kept me awake. Last night, I was asleep...until 4:26 AM, when the person who lives right above me felt the need not only to talk really load with friends, but also blare music. Even ear plugs couldn't block the noise out. Can't a guy get some fucking sleep? I know, it's college, but come on, I have classes in the fucking morning. Keep it down for God's sake


-Pope Benedict is still behing the times, currently denouncing science. You know, when John Paul was Pope, science was actually embraced sometimes. Bet you didn't know that.


-I didn't see the ABC docudrama on 9/11. It pissed off some democracts, claiming it had some of it's facts wrong. Again, I wouldn't know, because I skipped it.


-I also skipped the season premire of "Family Guy", though you probably know that I've grown tired of it. I did catch "American Dad" however, though it was disappointing.

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