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Raw Thoughts

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First almost-full RAW I've watched in a while...


I don't like anything about Carlito other than the way he sold Hogans punches last week, so I didn't like the Cabana. Jericho's Jean/Tshirt/Sports Jacket style is great, and those shades are swank. Much better than the T-shirt look he had as a face. Piper looks so oooold.


I didn't bother watching Masters/Tajiri cause Masters is awful and he has been wrestling the same match since January.


I actually enjoyed Snitsky for once - I enjoy his relationship with Edge and Lita. It's lighthearted, and the fact that Lita has ignored the whole baby thing is amusing to me. Plus, I know a guy who licked a chicks feet before (while drunk) and it has been a running joke between the two during poker nights. Edge should get Snitsky foot fetish porn mags as gifts. The replay of the Hardy video was silly.


Carlito/Benjamin was boring and Benjamins matches shouldn't be boring. The finish was pretty good, though it was obvious. I think it would have been better for Carlito to "act" knocked out, for the count-out, and then get up right away and then leave with the title. Reminds me of Money Inc. vs. Natural Disasters WM finish, so it wasn't a very different way to prolong the angle, but at least it shows that someone actually WANTS the title, and that someone actually wants to KEEP the title. They need more of that - put some other guys in this feud. Carlito would be better in a triple threat or fatal fourway than a singles match.


LOTC's outting of Cena playing Will Smith makes every one of his promos automatically hilarious. He plays too much to the crowd, and he doesn't really say anything. But he's natural on the mic and one of the best speakers they have, so it's just an issue of scripting. He needs to run into the crowd some more, that was great the one time he did it. The "Cheap" thing is awful. Jericho didn't get enough shots in and everyone and their mother knows he is going to lose at Summerslam and that this feud is below Cena at this point. Beatdowns won't make Jericho a threat to Cena, they need to -GASP- be a little more creative to get him over in this feud so it won't be a total blow-out. The Bischoff stuff was needless. Everyone beats up Bischoff - I gave him my patented Rudodriver just the other day - so Cena isn't really blazing a trail, he's following the path. I mark for "The Champ Is Here", though.


The DIVA search thing last week was fun because of the promise of a titty falling out. This week they did horrible stripper routines. The girl that did the flips and then shaked her titties made me cry for women everywhere. Seeing chicks who are half naked everyweek be half naked this week doesn't make it special. I have the internet. I am on the internet. Women who are always in bikinis dancing around in bikinis does nothing for me. Back when I was 13 and Sunny -who was 10x's hotter than any of these chicks- started to shake her ass in that bikini video, well, that was hot. But it's 10 years later, this shit don't fly.


I do find 2 of those chicks to be enjoyable, though. The one that is trying so hard to be ROCK AND ROLL~! with her skullcap and arm-band-thingies, because it's pretty clear that's all an act and if this were a few years ago she'd be in hip-hop garb and the other one who's titty popped out last week because, well, her titty popped out last week. Now, if they started to make out next week and put their respective hands down their shorts and felt each other up, then this DIVA thing may have some promise. As is, even the 13 year old RRR would change the channel.


The Kurt Angle invitational had me going "what if he won?" at the last seconds of the match, which I guess is mission accomplished. If there was a case for bringing back squash matches, this is it. Good work, the crowd seemed into it, and no one died.


Matt Hardy jumping Edge was a bit wonky. The run-in was a nice change in pace. Hardy bashing the WWE is great - probably my favourite part of the whole thing. This is going to get tired, fast. How long till Summerslam? You have to wonder, especially if you are Matt Hardy, what happens after the feud is over? Is this feud meant to get Edge over as a heel, meaning that he wins in the end? What if Hardy gets mega-over? What if he doesn't? Questions, Questions, Questions.


The HBK interview could have been so much better. I think they dropped the ball quite a bit there and were relying on the Superkick at the end to sustain the heat.

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