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BRAWL Presents Duces Wild, last night

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You can find out about some of the Wrestlers who were on the show and about BRAWL In This Link Here


Last night, I did a BRAWL show, it was called BRAWL Duces Wild, the card was all about a tag team tournament to find out the number 1 contenders for the BRAWL Tag Team Titles currently held by Money Mike Rayne and A Pimp Named Virgil.


The show took place in Antioch CA at the Contra Costa Fairgrounds, which is about 20 minutes away or longer if there's traffic...and of course their was. I got to the building at 4:30, there wasn't many people there surprisngly so I guess I was a lot earlier than I thought I was, anyways I said my hellos to the people who were there and went over to my sound table. Surprisingly the sound stuff was already set up, so I played with it just to make sure everything was honkey dori, switched some cables around, did a couple of sound tests and I was basically done until show time.


After a little while, more and more of the wrestlers showed up and I said my hellos. As everyone was setting up, the guys at BRAWL decided to do something for their website. Doug E. Bucks was going to shoot a promo for their website then a empty arena match was going to take place. Before the promo happen BRAWL wanted to put the new ring annoucer in the promo as well to introduce Doug E Bucks, but that didn't work out so well. The ring annoucer is very new and was nervous and it just didn't end up working and it was decided because he was so nervous just in front of the camera, it was thought he be eated alive in front of the crowd, so it was decided for him not to ring annouce. After that, Doug E Bucks, cut his promo and the cameraman cut over to the ring to film the match. Which should be up at www.brawlwrestling.net very soon. So be sure to check the website to check out the match.


As time drew near to the start of the show, I found out their wasn't any pre-made cards up. Their was a small piece of paper with what looked like the card in the back and I was asked to start making copies of the card for the wrestlers and for myself. So I started (in a hurry) writing down the card so the wrestlers knew what was going on and as I was writing the card, the head Ref Gweedo came up to me and told me that he and the other Ref needed a card, so I had to make one for them. So now I'm making a card for me, the wreslters, and the Ref, so now I'm writing down faster. Then as I'm still making copies, I find out that the new ring annoucers, yeah their's going to be two of them now, need the wrestlers weight and hometown. So now I need to make them a card with hometowns and weights and the show's going to start in a little bit. As I'm finding this stuff out I'm hearing Pogo saying we need to get the show going...so now I'm going super fast to find out everyone's information. Luckily I get everyone's information fast enough and go out there and start up some pre-show music as the crowd is still coming in, ECW the music volume 1 has good pre-show music by the way, if you skip past the first track.


So the show started..I think at 7, I actually didn't check the time come to think about it. Anyways the show started with Doug E Bucks, Pogo the Clown, Helfyre and Rik Luxury coming out first and me having no ring annoucers yet, luckily Doug had the mic. Doug E Bucks and Pogo had recently offered a open challange to anyone for Pogo's BRAWL title and after Rik Luxury and Helfyre left the ring, a returning El Chupacabra came through the front door and attacked Pogo the Clown. The fight went back and forth until Pogo got the upper hand and started choking out Chupacabra, which brought out The Big Ugly JD Bishop. The Big Ugly talked Pogo off of Chupacabra then after Bishop checked on Chupi, Pogo hit The Big Ugly with a big boot and Pogo shortly left the ring and returned to the back shortly after. When El Chupacabra and the Big Ugly got back to their feet, Chupacabra claimed it was all about SPW and that BRAWL can kiss his ass and left through the front door again.


While El Chupacabra had worked with BRAWL before, a few months ago, I guess Chupi had some kind of falling out with BRAWL but returned last night. I don't know what happen and why it happen but I'm glad Chupacabra is back. Really good guy to watch in the ring.


After this, Doug E Bucks, called Helfyre back out and Helfyre challanged T-Rizz to a match. T-Rizz ended up winning after some outside intereferance by his brother and former BRAWL Champion, D-Unit. After the match Doug E Bucks told the Surburban Commandos that he would get them by the end of the night. Now the tag team tournament starts and I now have my two new Ring Annoucers. The two new ring annoucers.........the BRAWL Tag champs, Money Mike Rayne and A Pimp named Virgil...both of them took a seat next to me at the sound table.


The tournament started with Super Mexico and Chica Calienta (sp?) vs Saito Hayashi and Vennis Demarko, the team of Super Mexico and Chica Calienta won the match after Demarko attacked his tag partner the cross dresser Hayashi which led to Hayashi getting pinned by the team of Super Mexico and Chica. The next match was suppose to be The Big Ugly with his partner vs someone but someone didn't show up which led to The Big Ugly getting a bye in the tournament.


The next match was the American Missiles vs The Surburban Commandos (D-unit and T-Rizz), the Commandos beat the hell out of them and won this match. The next match The Cruz brothers and Chicono Flame vs Pogo the Clown and Helfyre in a 3 on 2 handicap match, Pogo the Clown and Helfyre won this match to move on. After this match we had a intermission, but not before a fight broke out.


After the match was over, a fight broke out between the tag champs and Pogo the clown and Helfyre after A Pimp named Virgil went after Pogo. Before Pogo's tag match, the two teams had some words that Virgil didn't take to kindly and after the match took the first chance he got and went after Pogo. The fight was crazy and Virgil ended up taking a nasty slam on the hard cold concrete floor. As myself and Mike Rayne was checking on him either Pogo or Helfyre threw pizza at us, which now made things more of a mess. After this, I took the mic and told everyone we'll be taking a intermisson so we can get everything cleaned up and to make sure the tag champs are ok to come back out. After intermisson we got everything cleaned up and the tag champs returned back to the sound table and continued to do their ring annoucing.


The first match back was Super Mexico and Chica Calienta (Sp?) vs The Big Ugly JD Bishop. It turned out The Big Ugly actually didn't have a tag partner and went into the match alone. The Big Ugly still won the match even though he was alone after he VISCIOUSLY CHOPPED THE SHIT OUT of Chica and got the 1, 2, 3. I know what your thinking, "he won off a chop?", you may not understand. Bishop is a freaking big guy and I mean big as muscled out, Chicha weighs about 120, maybe less. She got the shit...THE SHIT..chopped out of her. Myself, Virgil, and Mike Rayne popped out of our chairs after the chop and the crowd ate up and gave out a Ugly chant after the match was over. The Big Ugly had moved on in the tag tournament.


The next match was The Surburban Commandos (D-unit/T-rizz) vs Helfyre and Pogo the Clown with Doug E bucks. After a back and forth match and after the Ref took a splash from Pogo the Clown, Doug E Bucks slid into the ring and made a pinfall count for Pogo and since Doug is the commish of BRAWL, the decision stood and The Commandos had lost the match and their shot at the tag titles as Pogo and Helfyre moved on. After the match The Commandos got ahold of Doug E Bucks and beat the hell out of him.


The next match was for the BRAWL internet title and it was a 3 way Coal Miners Glove on a pole match between The Sheik Kahn Abodi vs Rik Luxury vs the champion DJ Rizz. After a pretty damn good match, DJ Rizz picked up the victory after he pinned The Sheik. The next match after that was the finals of the tournament and we would find out who would face Money Mike Rayne and A pimp Named Virgil for the tag titles after the tournament.


The final match of the tournament was the BRAWL heavyweight Champion Pogo the Clown and Helfyre with Doug E. Bucks vs The Big Ugly JD Bishop in what would be another Handi-cap match because Ugly didn't have a partner. Well thats what we thought until Ugly pointed to the curtain and El Chupacabra came out! So now its El Chupacabra and The Big Ugly JD Bishop vs Pogo the Clown and Helfyre with Doug E bucks. The team of Chupacabra and The Big Ugly won the match after Chupi pinned Helfyre. After the match was over, Doug E bucks challanged them to a match on Jan 19th.


The match will take place in a cage and it will be Pogo the Clown and Helfyre AND DOUG E BUCKS(!!) vs El Chupacabra and The Big Ugly JD Bishop and their partner, The Rock Legend Scum Adam Throwstowe who will also be making his return to BRAWL as well in a steel cage match!!! Yeah I think Doug E Bucks is screwed.


After this was annouced Money Mike Rayne and A pimp Named Virgil had to defend their titles against the Big Ugly JD Bishop and El Chupacabra. The match was on like motherfucking Donkey Kong. The match was pretty much back and forth until the Pimps got the upper hand and won the match. After the match was over the two teams shook hands and that was the end of the show. I got back on the micaphone and made the annoucement of the next show and thanked the crowd for coming out.


I'd think I'd make a pretty good damn ring annoucer sometime down the road as long as my voice doesn't screw up. I have some brain damage to my speech lobe of my brain so sometimes my voice gets all screwed up. Either I mumble, talk to fast, or don't say excatly what I need to say clearly. Anyways the show was a fun show to be at and sitting next to Money Mike Rayne and A Pimp Named Virgil was a fun experiance as well. I'm looking forward to the next BRAWL show on the 19th as I have never seen BRAWL do a cage match before. Should be fun.


After the show was over, I took down the sound system, said my good byes and handed back to Benicia and went to bed. So until next time, stay tuned to my blog for more of my life on the Pro Wrestling Indy Curcuit.

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