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Wrestling Training update for Jan 4th - Jan 13th.

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Ok I got a bit of writers block on how to start this blog, so if the beginning sucks...to bad.


I re-started my training offically on Thursday, the 4th. It went...well. It was just me, Helfyre, Kiara Dillon, and Anton. Josh and Neil had something personnal to take care of, while Tim had a few wrestling meets to attend to. Tim coaches high school wrestling and I think its mid-season right now so he's pretty much in and out of training at the moment.


I was a bit nervous getting back in the ring..also cold....its freaking cold in the Bay Area right now....I already miss June. Practices/training sessions (whatever you want to call them.) always start out with some light warms to get the body nice and warm. A line forms in a corner and we start with some simple stuff. First we start out with some forward rolls, then after a few times of these we move on to handstand bumps. A handstand bump is basically what it sounds like, you go into a handstand and then do a back bump from there. Then for a 3rd thing, it sorta get switched up a bit. Either we walk out from the corner and do a back bump in the middle of the ring, or we do some forward flips, or something else....luckily we did the walk from the corner and do a back bump in the middle of the ring.


I have trouble with front flipping, i'm not completely comfortable with doing them yet as I have landed on my head a few times from not being able to complete the flip...I'm not very atheltic when it comes to jumping. So after our warm ups, we did some line bumps (stand in the middle and do a back bump.) and then after that, we did some different moves, I can't remember everything we worked on but I think it was some chain wrestling, arm drags from the corner, and some scoop slams. I'm sure they're was other stuff as well, I just can't remember. I did ok, I know i was a little sloppy with some of the stuff because it had been such a long time since I've actually done any of it but no one got hurt...OH WAIT NOW I REMEMBER SOMETHING ELSE....we did roll ups from the ropes. Thats right..oh that sucked.


Its sorta hard to explain, because the scenrio really doesn't have a name but basically its when someone hooks the other person around the wasit and throws them into the ropes, bounces them off, and rolls them over and pins them. Basically it starts looking like someone is about to be Germaned but instead the guy stays hooked around the wasit, the two do a backward roll and the guy who hooked the other guy by the wasit ends up pinning the other person..like I said it's hard to explain because the whole thing really doesn't have a name. I remember this now because I couldn't do this at all because I kept trying to over roll and yeah, it just didn't work and I actdently squashed Kiara by accident. :0)


So anyways, yeah, I did ok on Thursday. Saturday it was myself, Helfyre, Anton, and Alexis Smirnoff Jr. Smirnoff normally comes down on Saturdays to help train. Josh/Neil/and Tim still weren't there. I also found out Neil decided to take a break from the training for some reason, so he at the moment may not be returning for a few weeks. Anton and I worked on a lot of chain wrestling that day, head-lock into a wrist lock, reverse in a hammer lock, back into a head-lock, then do a head-lock take down, stuff like that. I really do enjoy the chain wrestling stuff as its simple but yet effective and when done right, looks great. I started out sloppy but as time went by, I started getting the hang of it and got my pacing together and I was told it was looking good. Myself and Anton also got to work on something new as well.


We started with me in a headlock, Anton would then lead me over to a corner of his choosing and I when we got close enough, Anton would put his left foot on the bottom rope, then his right foot on the 2nd rope, he's jump off and we'd turn and on his way down still with the headlock on me, he'd do a head lock take down. This was new to both of us and we had no trouble with it. Actually I take that back, when I had the headlock on Anton, there was a small thing where my head almost didn't clear the ring and got driven down into it but we made a last second adjustment so that didn't happen. It still looked good and we ended up in the right position but we did it again just to make sure we had it right.


I don't remember much about Monday and Thursday practice....I think Thursday was just me and Anton but I can't remember what we worked on. I do remember Saturday the 13th however....you know come to think about it, maybe it was Monday we did the roll ups from the ropes.....yeah I do think it was Monday. Anyways, on to Saturday.


Saturday I was late, practice was suppose to start at 10:30 but I had partyed the night before and was just to lazy to do anything on Saturday morning...so I ended up getting there 10 minutes before 11. Luckily practice hadn't started yet. When I got there Tim, Josh, and Helfyre was standing next to the ring. Anton showed up 4 minutes after I did. After Anton showed up, I noticed someone new on our side of the gym. I really didn't pay much attention to this new person because I wasn't sure why she was on our side of the gym. When we started to get going, she got up on the ring. I asked if she was a our new person and she said she was, I introduced myself to her and she shook my name and told me her name was Jody.


Practice started with the normal warm ups, then we went into some drop down/leap frogs and I was having trouble with these. I don't know why I was having trouble, with these. I just kept screwing them up. We were suppose to do a set of 4 but I think I did around 10 of them because I kept messing them up. I felt bad for Josh because I gave him a good cardio work out because of me screwing up. I finally got them down about 5 minutes of not being able to do them right. We then practiced on a few more things and of course I was sloppy with bad pacing. I actdently got Tim on the nose with a finger while we doing lock ups but managed to do what we were suppose to do.


I know its only been a week in a half since I re-started my training but being sloppy and now having good pacing is starting to get to me a little bit. I got frustrated on Saturday with the leap frog and the drop down stuff because I couldn't get it right even though I know I could have. I'll get it down in time but my main concern at the moment is that the others I'm working with are going to suffer because I can't get it right. Like I said, I gave Josh a good cardio work out when he didn't want to and I acidently bonked Tim on the face twice on Saturday, once in the fore head with my two feet because of bad timing and once in the nose with my finger on the mis-cued locked up. Hopefully I get my sloppyness and bad pacing fixed soon.


After a few hours of training, we did a few practice matches.


The first match was Helfyre vs Anton vs Josh vs Tim in a elimation match with me as ref. It was going fine, until a simple mistake. Tim had a thumb in the eye thing going on with Josh and I was counting to 5. Now this entire time, I'm waiting for Tim to either stop it or to whisper to me that I should try to break it up or should DQ him. So I get to 4 on a 2nd count and he still hasn't fucking taken his thumb off Josh's eye. I'm fucking confused because honestly, who the fuck would think being DQ'ed because your thumbing in the eye is a good idea? So I looked towards Helfyre because I'm confused and he tells me to DQ him, so I DQ'ed Tim because he was thumbing Josh in the eye....moving on. So the match gets finished and I'm standing on the aporn catching my breath and Tim chimes with this...."Toby you need to sell the sell.


Sell the sell? Huh? So I ask him what he means and he's telling me I should have counted to 5 because I just made it look dumb for not counting to 5. I responded with "you need to tell me what your doing if thats what you planned on doing." I mean how am I suppose to know thats what the hell he wanted to do. Seriously who the hell wants to be DQ'ed because they wouldn't stop thumbing someone in the eye. Me and Tim actually started arguing about this, and he actually told me "We do things by the cuff here."....THE FUCK!? By the cuff? What the hell? At this point, I told him unless he tells me what he's going to do, I'm not going to do anything for him except count to 5 or count to 3. If he doesn't either tell me what he wants to do or re-acts to me finishing my count, thats on him and if he looks dumb because of it, not my issue. I can't help him ,if he can't help me. Helfyre did say we were both right as I should have counted to 5 regardless and Tim should have told me what he was planning but thats true but Tim could have been a less of a dick about it.


After that, we did one more match where I actually did wrestle in this one...actually I take that back, I was the bumping dummie. I bumped a lot, I felt good afterwards because it had been such a long time since I bumped so much but there were a few things I didn't feel comfortable about doing during the match and I think the guys got a little frustrated with that but if I'm not ready to do something, I don't want to do it, hopefully they understand that. After the 2nd match, practice was over and I went home.


I have practice again tomorrow, hopefully it goes well. I thinking about doing a weekly update and maybe posting the important major stuff that happens. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this blog and if anyone has any commets or questions please feel free to ask or post.

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