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Big News and A Actual Post! Two Deals In One! How Lucky Are You!?

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I haven't posted in awhile, there's really no reason why except I really haven't found much to post about. I am still training and I am still Refereeing for promotions and regardless of what the Khali mark says, are not backyard feds.

(check out the WWE comments that don't warrent a thread...thread to see what I'm talking about.)


-Training: Training has been going ok. I've just about completed 6 months of my 1 year training contract. While I'm still slowly improving, I'm still having trouble with being able to do a straight forward flip and body control. When I flip, I keep tucking a shoulder in causing me to rotate into what looks like a jumping spin kick. Plus I'm also not jumping straight up, I keep lunging forward, which I"m not really suppose to do. i'm suppose to jump up, but for some reason my body just doesn't want to.


My problem is that I keep thinking/fearing I'm going to end up on the top of my head again. I've done it quite a few times in the pass and got really lucky and only got a sore neck because of it but I keep thinking that next one, if that next one happens, will result in something a lot less worse then a sore neck.


Other than those things, training is going ok really. I'm learning new moves a few times a week and learning how to craft matches better more and more and we have a few gimmick ideas for me but my favorite one will be done with me wearing a mask. I won't go into detail about it here, because you never know who might end up reading this stuff but when I'm really close to debuting it or at least have debuted it I'll talk about it.


Oh, and before I forget if anyone here whose reading this wants to help me design a mask, that would be great. I can't draw worth a damn and everyone I ask if they can design a mask for me sorta falls through, I've asked quite a few actual wrestlers if they knew anyone or any company that might help me but I've got silent no's or a "do it yourself" from Konnan. So if anyone would be intresting in drawing a design concept so I can send it over to Highspots so the mask could be made, that would be FUCKING GREAT!


Refereeing: Refereeing is going amazingly well. I'm being booked around the bay area about 2 or 3 or more times a month now and if training doesn't work out very well by the time my 1 year is up, I think I will just skip out on the wrestling part and just become a Ref, as I'm still having a lot of fun doing it.


Promotions: Devil Mountain Wrestling (DMW):Devil Mountain Wrestling (my home promotion that made me into a Ref and where I'm currently training.) is finally running shows again. We really haven't ran a big show since last Sept. We kept getting the run around by the armory that we wanted to run shows at, so after almost a year of not running any shows we finally found what may become our new home for running monthly shows, which is a Boys and Girls club. We did our first big show of 2007 last weekend and it went really well. We had near or at 85 paying people and for really your first big show in almost a year, that really is a good number. I was hoping for 100 while others were hoping for more, but I'm generally happy with having that many people show up.


California Championship Wrestling (CCW): CCW is still running extremely strong and actually just had their 1 year aniversity show this month (July). Plus CCW is still on Comcast On-Demand here in Northern California so I'm regularly on tv....you just need to have Comcast's On-Demand service...and live in Northern California to watch CCW on tv. I know CCW is also working on other things for tv right now but I can't really say anything about it until they annouce something. But yes, CCW is going really strong and doesn't look like they want to keep running just as strong or stronger. Their drawing huge crowds of about 300 or more people (think Indy show people), have great wrestling matches, and have a Bay Area market, CCW is really going.


BRAWL: BRAWL is still going and running very well. They're having 2 regular shows a month and I'm used as a Ref for them now instead of a sound guy. Well I still do sound if they REALLY need me to. Rik Luxury really trusts me when it comes to hitting music cues and doing everything correctly when it comes to running the sound and I competely understand that, so if asked, I'll do sound for something he wants done perfectly.


North American Wrestling (NAW): Goddamn NAW shows are a lot of fun. I've only worked a few of them but whenever I work them, I always have a great time. Not saying I don't have a great time at the other promotions I work for, but there's something at NAW that lets me know that I'm going to have a great time that night. NAW's also really starting to bring in big names as well. At the last show Psicosis (the actual Psicosis) wrestled on the card and so did Gangrel. I didn't really get to meet Psicosis as he pretty much stayed away from the rest of the wreslters and was mainly on his cell phone, Gangrel on the other hand....AWESOME GUY. Really friendly, really easy to approach and talk to, I have nothing and will never have anything bad to say about Gangrel EVER! Great guy.


I love working NAW shows but there is one kind of negitive thing about working NAW shows. They go for so long. They are stacked 11 or 12 match cards and the show doesn't seem to end until about 11:30 or midnight...on a sunday night. Which sorta sucks because I get up for work on Monday mornings between 5 and 5:30 am, but since I have so much fun I really don't seem so much...until the next day when I'm driving my work truck and I'm really sleepy, but like I said I really enjoy working their shows so I shouldn't be complaining.


BAW in Oregon:BAW is up and running again after being forced to take a few months off due to someone else up in Oregon who got scared by how well they are doing. I still have a working relationship with them, but I really can't afford to keep going to Oregon to do their shows, which is sading as I really loved working up there but I got to look at the reality of things, should I skip work and have less money so I can pay my bills, buy food, and keep a little left over until my next paycheck, or should I go work in Oregon and miss that paid day at work and that answer would be....choose buisness over pleasure.


THE BIG NEWS!: Ok, time for the big news I mentioned. In late Oct., there will be a wrestling con (think Comic-con) taking place at the Cow palace. It's going to be a 3 day event and on the 2nd day (Saturday) the people running the con is going to have a HUGE card and I found out last night, after contacting the promoter via E-mail, it looks like I'm going to be one of the Refs for this huge ass card. Now when I said "Huge ass card" I don't mean it's a whole bunch of matches put together, no I mean it's a stacked big name card!


Here's the card so far:


Knight of the Indys-Last Man Standing 30 man Battleroyal: Every 60 seconds, a new wrestler will enter the Battle Royal and when all 30 men are in the match, YOU MUST BE THROWN OVER THE TOP ROPE TO BE ELIMATED. My trainer Helfyre is actually in this match.


Hardcore Fatal 4 Way: Al Snow vs Axl Rotten vs Blue Meanie vs Nick Sinn


Battle Of The Giants: The One Man Gang vs Kamala


Singles Match: Tony Atlas vs Dr. Death Steve Williams


Legendary Tag Team Match: The Rock and Roll Express vs The Midnight Express


Battle of The Big Boys: The Nasty Boys vs Vicious & Delicious (Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton)


Texas Bull Rope Match: Ron Bass vs Black Bart


Triple Threat Match: JD Micheals vs Billy Kiddman vs Sharkboy


Greg Valentine & Brutus The Barber Beefcake vs Koko B Ware & Tito Santana


Test & A-Train (T&A) vs Rick Steiner & Dan Severn




The Great Muta vs Ultimo Dragon!!!!!!


And the Main Event: Christian Cage vs Abyss vs A Mystery Man.


(I actually don't know who the Mystery man is, but I'm thinking/GUESSING It's either Kurt Angle or Bill Goldberg as they both will be at the Con.)


So you can see why I'm really excited to be working as a Ref for this show. The idea that I could Ref one of these HUGE matches is fucking awesome, espically Great Muta vs Ultimo Dragon, that would be a dream match to Ref. Here's also some good news about it, it looks like the show is going to be on Pay Per View. I don't know the details about according to the website and flyer, it looks like the show will be on PPV. If anymore details come up, I'll post the details.


So yeah I'm extremely excited about it and if you want to check out the website and get more information about the 3 day WrestleFanFest go to http://www.wrestlefanfest.com/


Being a Referee is so great!

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