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Bored's Pointless Top 25 Numba 2

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For the two of you who liked the TSB entries I know I said I'd get around to finishing this month but doesn't look like that'll happen. I've been doing a ridiculous amount of overtime at work lately and my time on the board is spent working on my pick 'em contest. Also after next week I'll be working on my end of the season 2007 MLB Player Rankings for the blog so the TSB is just going to have to wait.


So we're down to 23 undefeated teams in I-A/FBS/Whatever football so obviously my "only rank unbeaten teams" goes out the window. But that being said, I still say give credit to all the unbeatens at this point so I'm including them all in my Top 25. Who cares UConn hasn't played anyone and will end up 6-6, what's the harm in giving them a No Prize this early in the season?


1. LSU

2. USC

3. Oklahoma

4. Florida

5. West Virginia

6. Boston College

7. Ohio State

8. Kentucky

9. California

10. Oregon

11. Texas

12. Wisconsin

13. Clemson

14. Rutgers

15. South Florida

16. Arizona State

17. Cincinnati

18. Missouri

19. Kansas

20. Purdue

21. Michigan State

22. South Carolina

23. Georgia

24. Hawaii

25. Connecticut

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