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WrestleFanFest, Sunday, The Final Day.

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It's now Sunday, and I've overslept. I was asked to be at the Cow Palace at 9 in the morning and I might be booked on the AWA show that is happening at 11..or noon. There was a AWA show happening, around that timeframe and that's all I knew, but I overslept and woke up at 11:00 or 11:30. I didn't get home till about 4 in the morning Saturday due to be at Rocky Horror, and when I got home, I just crashed out. I was so dead tired.


I actually did wake up at 10:00, but that's because I was in a lot of pain. My leg muscles were having very sharp pains. They felt like cramps but both legs were hurting. I finally was able to fall back asleep after a few minutes of sharp only to get a phone call from Rik Luxury asking me how he could get in. I told him I think he has to buy a day pass for 25 bucks, because I don't think they have anymore passes. He said he was going to try and make it out and he hung up. I got up and got ready to go back to the Cow Palace, praying that the whole event wasn't burned down by now. Rumors were still running even higher that the guy putting the event still wasn't paying talent, so I had a feeling things were going to be quite intresting.


I got back to the Cow Palace a little after 1, and instead of deciding of arguing with the parking people about paying for parking, I decided to park on the street and walk a little ways to the palace. I had one of those staff passes, but decided fuck it anyways, I'll walk a block. When I got inside, the first person I found was of course Sir Samurai. He explained to me that the AWA show was basically taken over by APW and his, Helfyre's, Jason Vega's, Alexis Darevko's match was made into a tag match, and right before they went out...two more guys got added, and then those two guys never got tagged in, and there's a reason. One guy (who'll remain nameless because he doesn't deserve to be known by name) has worked in years and all of a sudden just showed up at the Cow Palace and said "oh hi, I'm a indy wrestler.", the other guy likes to believe he's a wrestler, he'll rename nameless as well, but he's nothing more than a mark who carries bags for a wrestler. So they didn't get tagged in for a reason.


I also found out that none of them got any music or introductions, because apprently they couldn't figure out the sound stuff, but after the tag match was over and by the next match, it was all of a sudden working. Funny on how that works. Sorry, I don't have much tolerance when it comes to APW. They bash the hell out of every other promotion out here in Nor-cal and will happily try to fuck another promotion over when it comes to certain talent. Though I did meet their ring annoucer as he annouced on Friday. He seemed like a nice guy and did a good job on Friday, so I'll give him props.


After I talked to Samurai about the AP..I mean AWA show, I went off to find Darevko and Helfyre. I found them after a few minutes and saw that Helfyre was limping...badly. I asked him what happen and he told me how he kinda landed arkwardly while performing a move in the ring (think HHH spinebuster on Orton cause of said injury.), Helfyre ended up limping for the rest of the day.


Sunday seemed a lot better fan/booth wise. Steve Austin did indeed show up, so there was a lot of people in that area, which was great because that ment the SPW/DMW booth might get a lot of foot traffic. The Territory had also showed up and merged with us as well. The Territory are two guys who films pretty much all of the wrestling shows here in Nor-cal. They do annoucing, filming, and editing. The Territory guys set up a few tv's and put up a SPW and a BRAWL show....they just happen to forget the DMW show, but they had BRAWL instead...bastards, I'm only kidding.


Because the tvs got hooked up and were playing the SPW/BRAWL shows, we had a lot of people stop for a few minutes and watch the footage, which allowed me to hand out flyers for DMW and SPW to these people. Two funny stories for you people.


Funny Story 1: So this woman with her two kids stop at the TVs and is watching some of the footage of the shows, I stop to talk to her and hand her flyers for SPW and DMW, well Rik Luxury had made it in as well and was hanging out with us so I introduced him to her as well. Rik is the current Devil Mountain Wrestling champion and has a 60 minute hardcore ironman match for the SPW title this Sunday. We talked to her for a few more minutes and she asked how was the parking and we said, oh there's plently and said she could see what she could do to come out. After she left, Mr. Frost walked up to me and Rik and asked "Do you know who that is?". Rik and I said no, who? "That's Rey Mysterio Jr.'s wife and kids!" Frost said. I had just promoted the SPW/DMW shows and Rik Luxury to Rey Mysterio's Wife and his kids!


Funny Story 2: So people are starting to gear up for the ROH show that's taking place at 4 o'clock. Well someone in a football jersey walks up to the tv's and starts watching the footage of the SPW/BRAWL shows. I walk up to him and hand him a flyer for the SPW and DMW show and start talking to him, after a few minutes I find out he's from Delaware and tell him he could follow us over online at www.devilmountainwrestling.com if he would like, then I told him thank you and walked away. Well later at the ROH show, it's main event time and Jay Briscoe comes out and who do I see right behind him, holding the ROH tag titles? The same guy in the football jersey, Mark Briscoe. I had promoted the shows to Mark Briscoe.


So both SPW/DMW boothes got a lot of foot traffic and I handed out a lot of flyers and promoted the shows to a lot of people, so I was very happy about that. Around 3 o'clock the boothes started shutting down and people started packing it up, the ROH show was the last part of WrestleFanFest and the area where the vendors/boothes were, was going to be closed during the show. So we wrapped everything up, and myself, the guys from SPW, the guys from DMW, and Rik Luxury all headed over to the ROH show.


I felt the ROH show was alright, I only really enjoyed 3 matches out of the card and the fans were annoying as all hell. I did like the fact they were loud and hot, but all the chants over and over got really annoying. After the ROH show, we all said our good byes and I found Blue Meanie again and said good bye and thanked him again for Friday. After that I went home and relaxed. It was a busy/tireing weekend, that had a up and lows...well lows for other people.


For me, I really enjoyed the convention, as a fan, I got to meet a lot of the guys who I looked up to while growing up, as a Indy Referee, I was given the biggest opportunity of my life by being able to Ref the Sandman vs Steve Corino vs The Great Muta match. By the way, I found out who that woman was who came out with The Great Muta, the woman was Bobcat. I also had a LOT of fun working with Al Snow & The Blue Meanie in their match against Alkatrazz and Luke Hawk. I honestly couldn't have asked for anything more that weekend...ok maybe a pay out, but I'm ok that I didn't get one.


Well that's it for my series of blogs. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed writing for them for you guys. Thank you for reading and I'll try to post more often.


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