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Another Busy Weekend Gone

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If the WrestleFanFest weekend wasn't long enough, this past weekend certainly was. I ended up having a total of four shows over pre-Halloween weekend, two Rocky Horrors and two wrestling shows...but I'll skip the Rocky Horror shows because I know you guys read my blog for Pro Wrestling, not for my adventures in Rocky Horror land.


On Saturday CCW was running a show at their brand new studio. Well ok, it wasn't brand new as they ran there last month but it was at least new...right? I was impressed with how the studio looked this time around, last month, the studio was very small and packed and hot, but since the last CCW show in Sept. the powers of CCW made some changes to the building. In sept, the locker room was this small room that we all packed into to get changed. Well a wall got removed, the room got painted black and what was once the locker room was now set up so crowd members had a better place to sit, thus giving them more room. The locker room got moved though, to out back. A hole was cut into a wall and a door got added, thus giving us access to the building from the back. It will be intresting to see how the new locker room works out as Newman is really windy and the rainy season is starting to show itself, hopefully everything works out.


The CCW show was another good show. Since CCW runs in Newman, they normally draw a good crowd. Newman, is a small town off Highway 5, so there is pretty much NOTHING to do down in Newman and if you do wanna go out to something, it's most likely happening miles away from Newman, so normally a big/loud crowd pops up and last Saturday was nothing differant. The crowd seemed to like how the building was re-done as they had a lot more room to sit and weren't packed in like a can of sardines.


I Ref'ed two matches that night, the first match was Virgil & El Chupacabra vs The Buissness man Jesus Cruz & R-Cayde. Jesus Cruz is normally known as the brownsnake but apprently he changed his ways and isn't a thug anymore, he's now a buisness man. He came to a ring with rolling luggage and started selling stuff out of it. He had some pretty good stuff on him to, dvds, cds, horrible smelling colone. I always love Ref'ing Virgil's and Chupi matches as their just fun to work with.


Something about me and Virgil just click. I don't know what it is, but when we are in the same match, for some reason it just seems me and him are always on the same page and act like we're on the same team. It's a weird thing as he's the wrestler and I'm the Ref and the only thing me and him have worked as a team on was holding onto The Dead Fed title. The Dead Fed title is a title that was invented after the Scum took the belt away from a promotion that....umm wasn't playing correctly with others. That promotion is now dead and gone, thus The Dead Fed Title was born along with a game, where ANYONE in the buisness could play. The way you played the game was to just steal the title from the person holding it at the time.Myself and Virgil decided to join up and co-hold the Dead Fed title. Our pairing worked out pretty well as it took awhile for the boys to figure it out.


I remember one night at BRAWL, Rik Luxury grabbed the Dead Fed title and ended up trying to hide it in his bag...unfortunaily he had no clue that I was watching him and let Virgil know what Rik had tried to hide the title, but when I told Virgil this, Kenny K was standing next to him and was listening in, so Kenny K joined our group as he snatched the title from Rik's bag. Well a few minutes later, Kenny had let myself and Virgil down as Dj Rizz stole the title off Kenny. So now the Commandos had the belt. Well for the main event that night, two of the three commandos were in the main event, D-Unit who wasn't in the match, sat at ringside. Rizz before getting involved in the match, gave the Dead Fed title to D-Unit to hold onto. Well after the match, D-Unit got into the ring to comfront I think Pogo and tossed me the Dead Fed title to hold onto. I was at the music table running music for that match, I quickly ran the title back to the back and found Virgil. Rizz for some reason was chasing Virgil, I think he figured Virgil had the title. I yelled "Virgil!", Rizz noticed I had the belt and started charging at me like I was a quarterback and he was a lineman......a very skinny lineman, as Rizz was running at me I tossed the title to Virgil and ran back to the soundtable to finish what I had to do. Virgil ended up leaving with the title that night and it was safe in our group. Ok back to my other story telling, enough of the Dead Fed title game. Oh and before I forget, the game ended a few months ago.


Now the reason why I like Ref'ing Chupi matches is because he tries so hard to make me laugh. Before the bell rings, while me and him are in the ring, he keeps kinda charging after the guy he's wrestling and I have to back him up, well when I'm backing him up he keeps talking to me telling me why he hates him and for some reason I almost start laughing everytime. He does it on purpose and it's sorta devloped to a game for him. It's fun but sometimes I really hate him for doing it. Anyways back to CCW.


So the Chupi & Virgil vs The Buissness man Jesus Cruz & R-cayde goes really well and the crowd really enjoyed it. The match ended with R-Cayde walking out on Jesus Cruz as he got frustrated with Jesus because Jesus kept jumping down from his corner to try and sell his wares. Well after R-Cayde finally got a tag to Jesus, R-Cayde left and Chupi and Virgil took advantage. Chupi hit Jesus Cruz with a back to back backbreaker and held Jesus Cruz bent backwards on Chupi's back, Virgil got into the ring, stood on top of Jesus Cruz, jumped up and hit Jesus with a Cannonball. Chupi made the pin and got the pinfall.


The 2nd match was the main event, which was Adam Thornstowe vs CCW champion Vinnie Massaro. The match went really good but not so much for me. At one point during the match, Adam went for a superkick on Vinnie while Vinnie was facing me, Vinnie had gone to hit Adam with a elbow but Adam ended up ducking and Vinnie almost nailed me with the failed elbow because I was behind Adam but Vinnie was able to stop himself before nailing me. So while Vinnie was facing m and his back toward Adam, Thornstowe went to nail a superkick from behind but Vinnie ducked and Adam nailed me with it instead....and that didn't feel to good. I was out.....but what's new. Apprently while I was out, Massaro nailed Adam with the CCW title, but since I was out, I didn't see it, had no idea it happen and when I was waken up a bit, Vinnie was making the cover on Adam and got the win.


After I rang the bell, the rest of Buddy Sotello's synicate came out (Badapples, Rik Luxury who replaced Ryan Drago) and started attacking Thornstowe, I was still recovering. Big Ugly, and Scum members Luster the Legend and Shane Dynasty ran out from the back to get the Synicate off of Adam. When I started standing up, Adam got in my face about the belt shot but I told him I didn't see any belt shot as he nailed me with the Superkick, after telling Adam what happen I tried to leave the ring, but apprently Big Ugly wasn't to happy and the next thing I knew I was in a half nelson being held by Ugly.......yeah, not good. Luckily Ugly let me go and I left the ring really quickly.


So other than the superkick from Thornstowe, CCW was good and fun, but it doesn't seem I won't be doing a CCW show for a few months. The next show is on November 17th, which is my birthday and I decided to take all wrestling related stuff on my birthday so I could just relax. Then the next CCW show is on December 15th, but Devil Mountain Wrestling is also running on that date, and Devil Mountain is my home, so that's where I'll be. After CCW was over, I made that long drive to Oakland to do Rocky Horror where my Saturday night ended after Rocky.


Sunday was SPW in Sacramento. This was my 2nd time working SPW and it was a historic/great night. It was a historic for a few reasons, one reason was because Rik Luxury and Adam Thornstowe had a 60 minute hardcore ironman match that I will talk about in a few minutes but the other reason is because The Gangstas re-united. Yes New Jack and Mustafa put all their past issues in the bag and re-united at SPW and they spent the show taking pictures and signing autographs for the fans.


That night I ref'ed two matches. The first match was all 3 Surburban Commandos vs Ryan Drago, Wage, and Luster The Legend, the match went well with the Commando's winning after D-unit rolled up Wage in a school boy while Wage was yelling at Luster for not really getting involved in the match. After the match, Wage attacked Luster before leaving the ring.


The 2nd match was a 4 way tornado elimation match which was The Big Ugly vs Chupacabra vs Virgil vs Dante. This match was great to Ref, as it was just all over the place and the fans loved it. Virgil and Chupi were the first two elimated then Ugly hit a vicious clothesline on Dante and then getting the pinfall victory over Dante.


Now it was time for the main event, for the SPW title, in the 7th match of a best of 7 series, it was Rik Luxury vs SPW Champion Adam Thornstowe in a 60 minute Hardcore Ironman match and honestly this match was un fucking believeable. This is a match you have to see, and as soon as it get's online, I will post it in a thread on the messageboards. You have to see this match. I'm not going to go into full details about it because I really really want people to see this match once it comes online, but here's a few things that happen. Rik drops a elbow off a basketball hoop, Adam doublestomps a flowerpot that has Rik's head in it, barbwire is involved, Adam jumps from the top of the enterance, many things happen but you have to see it to believe how good this match is. I sware if this match gets put online, it will be posted.


The weekend full of shows went really well, but man I spent a lot on gas. I did a lot of driving that weekend and that was kind of the downpoint. I have another wrestling show on the 3rd as Devil Mountain Wrestling is running, then I think I'm taking a break from so many wrestling shows for November. I'm not like burnt out or anything, but I really need to save some money and driving so much, isn't going to help me save any money as my car really isn't a gas saver. I'll try to make another post after the 3rd to let you all know how Devil Mountain went, so until then, please keep enjoying my blogs and thank you for reading.

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