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Dec 15th = My In-Ring Wrestling Debut AND I'M KICKING INTERNATIONAL ASS!!!

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Yup, next month in Dec. on the 15th, I make my in-ring pro wrestling debut and that's because 3 guys decided to beat me up at the last Devil Mountain Wrestling show. Yup....three international assholes decided to blantly take me out, so next month on the 15, Ref Toby doesn't count anymore, Ref Toby gets payback!


Yes, I know, that was corny. I haven't quite figured out the art of the face promo yet. It's a work in progress, and I'm kinda getting there but doing the face promo in all seriousness is kinda hard. Anyways, let me explain the set up for my first wrestling match next month on the 15th.


Last Saturday, November 3rd, was Devil Mountain Wrestling. I was Refereeing The Fun Athletic Guys Kimo and Chico, or the F.A.Gs for short, vs Sheik Kahn Abodi and Alexis Darevko. I was Refereeing the match and everything was going...umm out of controlish but I had things under normal Referee control. Anyways, so The Fun Atheltic Guys pretty much have Sheik pinned and I'm in the middle of my count, when all of a sudden I'm pulled from out of the ring. I turn around and it's someone dressed up in Sheik clotheing. I call for the bell when I'm all of a sudden thrown into the post.


After a few minutes, my limp body is thrown in the ring and picked up over Darevko's head and he gives me a high razors edge, then as soon as I land, I open my eyes just soon enough to see and feel Sheik Kahn Abodi land a frogsplash on me. After seeing the video footage of the aftermath and I found out who the mystery guy in Sheik's clotheing was who attacked me....canadian Superstar Anton Vorhees. It seems Anton, Darevko, and Sheik has formed some kind if International Alliance.


Well I asked our Commish's permission and requested that I team up with Kimo and Chico to take them on in a match. He wasn't willing at first, but with my charm and wit, he changed his mind so now it's on!!!!


Dec. 15th, it will be Myself and The Fun Athletic Guys Kimo and Chico vs Sheik Kahn Abodi, Alexis darevko, and Anton Vorhees! The Stripes come off and the athletic tape goes on!


.....yeah that was corny too, I know.

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