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6/23: George Carlin Is God -- Wait, God Is Black

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7:30 p.m.


• So George Carlin died. The room is spinning blahblahblah. Eh, I was never a huge fan of his but for someone who did what he did for so long and was so successful at it you got to give him props. One bit I always liked was his baseball/football comparisons. I also liked his word-play.



In baseball, you make an error .... whoops!


• All you really need to do is get in a vehicle and blast the hell out of opposing Jedi. And not once have I ever said to Vader "OWNED~!"



It's weird because I go through phases over which Battlefront I play for the PS2: The first or second. The second is faster but there's a charm about the original that I can't get away from. Oh, and goddamn does the Republic army suck.


• I guess after looking at God's mugshot we can conclude without a doubt that his son, Jesus, must be black.




Police say a man named God was arrested near a Tampa church for selling cocaine. Authorities began investigating God Lucky Howard in April, and he was arrested on Saturday. Police say he sold the cocaine to undercover detectives in his neighborhood. When officers searched his home, they reported finding another 22 grams of cocaine and a scale...


• Here's the latest on my out-of-control niece-in-law. Mrs. kkk told me that her boyfriend/likely baby's daddy allegedly videotaped himself having sex with an under-age girl. He also videotaped himself having sex with the niece-in-law while she was passed out drunk. God help me if I should ever view this clip while surfing the Net because I know it's out there. I will say that should this fornication ever appear on my computer screen I’ll swear off viewing on-line porn ever again be sure to post a link here.

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Being a cat person, I think you'll enjoy this Carlin routine.


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I remember this bit. Most of it is true, especially the "avoid blame" part.


Ripping a bird's throat out? This one wouldn't know what to do with a live animal smaller than him.




This one on the right (Max) does the "ass in the air" bit. While Dessa will hop up on you and gnaw your arm.



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