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31 Days of the Dead

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Gary Floyd


July starts tomorrow, and I've decided to do something new for this Blog for the month: 31 Days of the Dead.


What's that? Well, in short, it's a review of a Zombie Movie each day. Here's the thing though: For the large part, I'm going to be avoiding the usual suspects, such as Romero, "Shaun of the Dead", Fulci, and the "Return of the Living Dead" series. Ok, you will get one "Resident Evil" movie reviewed. Why am I avoiding the "usual suspects"? Because, while I do love most of the usual suspects, I really can't say anything else about them that hasn't been said already. This is more for less talked about movies such as "Night of the Creeps", "The Dead Pit", "The Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue", "Horror Rises from the Tomb", and others.


Hope you like it, and remember, feedback and comments are always appreciated.

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