College Football Pick 'Em Update
Just here to announce that 5th installment of the second longest running football pick 'em contest in TSM history is coming soon! Look for the sign up thread in the Sports folder in the next week or so. So this entry isn't a complete waste I'm updating the all-time standings for the contest. Will anyone stop the juggernaut that is Cuban Linx this year?
All-Time Standings (in order of wins)
1. teke184 38-18
2. CanadianChris 37-18
3. Edwin MacPhisto 36-19
4. iggymcfly 34-17
5. Cuban Linx 33-9
6t. Bored 31-23
6t. phoenixrising 31-24
8. Vern Gagne 30-23
9. AlwaysPissedOff 27-25
10. nogoodnick 26-29
11t. JHawk 25-26
11t. Cartman 25-27
11t. Spaceman Spiff 25-29
14. Will Scarlet 24-31
15. Fokai 22-25
16t. Lando Griffin 21-19
16t. Kingofthe909 21-21
16t. Gert T 21-29
16t. the pinjockey 21-31
20t. Spicy McHaggis 20-21
20t. Agent of Oblivion 20-33
22t. MarvinisaLunatic 19-12
22t. Secret Agent 19-18
24. Porter 18-20
25t. Vitamin X 17-19
25t. Kotzenjunge 17-21
27. UTBroward 15-11
28t. UZI Suicide 14-20
28t. Carnival 14-23
30t. Hawk 34 13-13
30t. Vampiro69 13-13
30t. Agent Bond34 13-14
30t. Angel Grace Blue 13-26
34t. kkktookmybabyaway 12-10
34t. Urban Warfare 12-11
36t. SilverPhoenix 11-10
36t. therealworldschampion 11-21
38t. Mecca 10-4
38t. Ortonsault 10-14
38t. Danville Wrestling 10-16
41t. A MikeSC 9-3
41t. AboveAverage484 9-4
43t. Damaramu 8-15
43t. HarleyQuinn 8-20
45t. MFerXtreme87 7-6
45t. Flyboy 7-7
45t. Leena 7-8
48. Smues 5-7
49t. Matt Young 4-2
49t. Dangerous A 4-7
49t. KingPK 4-7
49t. Nate 4-8
49t. 2GOLD 4-9
49t. Mad Dog 4-9
55t. Jimbo 1-1
55t. "Hail" bps21 1-2
57t. IK Cool Jew 0-3
57t. Rob E Dangerously 0-4