I need to update this more. Mindless rambling calms my insane brain matter. Unfortunately, work has been busy, forcing me to do stuff. Which I shouldn't complain about, because the day goes so much faster when you're constantly running around doing stuff. Although, I would prefer this business consisting of computer junk, instead of running errands for people and walking back and forth from 5 floors. Especially with the uncomfortable pretty shoes I wear for work. But, such is life. I'm never satisfied.
I read some of the comments here, and the expected opinions of how horrible I am have ensued. Bleh. I don't need people to tell me these things. Unless it's someone I don't like and/or you swear and insult me a lot. So, we can fight. I love to fight.
The last few days have been boring. Yesterday, was basically work, eat, watch Raw, sleep. Awful. I always feel so stupid after watching Raw. Even though I rarely do, I eventually come back to it every few months... and it is just SO bad. The main event with Vince was hard to watch. I'm obviously forcing myself to watch WM, and I hope it blows like expected, so I don't con myself into watching anymore. I'll stick with SD for a while, though.
Had tennis tonight. A mixture of a lesson/match type thing. As anyone who's watched me play knows, you can't give me lessons. I have the most unique, fucked up game possible. Ginormous serve, decent volleys, and can't hit a backhand in the court to save my life. Probably due to me being legally blind in my left eye, and my general clumsiness and oafness.
And now, I'm playing MVP '04. With my beloved cheating Yankees. A-Rod hitting 100+ HR's a year. And plunking Jeter with pitches at every chance. Great fun.
Not much else to talk about. I have off tomorrow, and have no idea what I want to do. And all the fun sports stuff starts this weekend, with the Final 4, and sucky WM, and the Snobby Asshole golf tournament next week. Where I'll only care if Hefty and Eldrick the Bum lose in horrible fashion.