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Smarks get worked

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According to Wade Keller, Jeff Jarrett had been throwing a fit all last week about not winning his title back during the King of the Mountain match at Slammiversary. So instead of jobbing he took himself out of the match.


This makes absolutely no sense to me. Why would Jarrett want his title back so soon? Why would Jarrett take himself out of the match, instead of just not winning it? This makes no sense because it's false.


Did it ever occur to anyone that people report fake news about 75% of the time. But any news that makes the IWC happy is always just taken as gospel. Any news bashing Triple H or Jeff Jarrett is welcomed with open arms and without questioning. I agree these guys are probably politicians and are in business for themselves sometimes. But these sites reporting the news make them seem like they are out to destroy wrestling as we know it.


In reality, this news is reported to work the IWC. These sites get a small piece of information and blow it up into major news. Why? It makes them money. They make money off rumors and gossip in the wrestling world, they are the tabloids of wrestling and people act like they are CNN.


I doubt Jeff Jarrett even made mention of winning his belt back. He JUST lost it. This request would make him the biggest backstage cancer of all time, worse than Hogan and Nash combined. Why would Jeff "take himself out of the match" instead of just losing? He lost to AJ styles the month before. Abyss murdered him on Impact in the weeks before. Why would he have a problem with losing in a match that involves 4 other people. He wouldn't have had to be the one getting pinned or getting squashed, there are 4 other guys to take that.


Then people say that the TNA booking committee put the belt on Raven to spite Jeff Jarrett. People also said they made Jarrett drop the title to Styles out of spite. If they did those things just to get back at one worker, wouldn't that make all of them just as bad as him? Putting the belt on people purely to get back at another individual is stupid and childish. This would make them just as guilty as Jarrett of backstage politics. But nobody realizes this, they just point the finger at Jeff some more.


Answer me one question. When is the last time since Hogan, that a babyface has been a "backstage cancer"? Smarks get worked just as much as Marks do, just through different avenues. Not saying I've never been worked, I'm sure I've bought fake news many times. It's just that there are very few people who question news that seems to be made up purely for the IWC enjoyment.

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