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Drafting smart.

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What is WWE thinking with this draft?


Raw - John Cena - Idiotic move, unless he gets drafted back to SD. Smackdown is now the Land of Heels. Moving Smackdown's most over face and most urban character is only going to work if they move him back.


Smackdown - Chris Benoit - Well benoit was basically becoming fodder for Edge on RAW lately so he was out of options. Should be a good move.


RAW - Kurt Angle - I get the feeling there isn't enough room on RAW for Angle and Triple H. A show with 2 super heels just isn't going to work, unless they join forces somehow. Bad pick anyways. They could have continued his rivalry with benoit on SD.


Smackdown - Randy Orton - Well, i don't think Orton and Cena should be on the same show. I think that is the WWE's money match 3 or 4 years from now. They should keep them seperate for as long as possible. If Cena is on RAW, then good move. Randy may be just another heel thrown on the pile, but this should at least freshen him up. Maybe he could get over as a face on SD?


RAW - Carlito - Carlito screams smackdown to me. I think he should have stayed. Maybe they could have had a carlito vs Cena rematch somewhere down the road, play off the old feud. To top it off, they have carlito go over benjamin and end his long ass title reign. We should start to call this "E-ing" a title reign. Since they just did this with JBL. They make Benjamin look like a chump, losing to the smaller carlito via roll-up. Carlito is less than great in the ring and really doesn't have a finisher that i've seen. They need to decide what they want him to do in the ring before giving him a title to run with.


Smackdown - Muhammad Hassan and Davari - It's good they sent Davari with him. These two shouldn't be broken up yet. But why in the FUCK did he get squashed by Cena. That was some horrible booking. They should have had them go to a no contest, then if they ever meet again, neither of them look like shit. Hassan was squashed right before starting a fresh push on SD. This just proves how stupid the E can be.


Possibles for the next picks, my pick in bold.


RAW - Rey Mysterio, JBL, Eddie, Big Show, Booker T


Smackdown - Jericho, Christian, Triple H, Batista, Cena, Edge, Kane


I would like Mysterio on RAW, but i don't think he will get a chance to get away from the cruisers.


JBL would be too many heels.


Eddie wouldn't make much sense


Big Show is a face that is expendable


Booker T is the same as TBS.


Jericho NEEDS smackdown, Christian could use it, so could Edge


Trips won't go


Batista can't carry smackdown


Kane has no reason


Smackdown needs Cena, if they don't get him back...they are as good as dead.

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