All Torn Up
I love certain people on this board.
Especially the ones who choose to bash me however they can. Myself and Desperate Housewife had our little problems, but she has proven without a shadow of a doubt, that she is utterly senseless. So I have no problem with her. Her insanity has been witnessed by many, I'm not alone in this case.
MikeSC and I had quite the feud for a while. But in the end, it was all forgotten and i have no hard feelings for him. In fact I respect him more. I'm not talking about his CE rants I've heard so much about. Just wrestling discussion.
But there is another person who can't stand the fact that I don't go along with the smark flock. This person likes to make references to me every chance he gets. But this person refuses to back themselves up. I guess they just don't want to look stupid. They probably just want to keep up their "High and Mighty" image. This person really must think about me a lot. I must be on his mind many times a day. Judging from what I've read, this obsession just eats him alive.
Let's get this straight. I don't think that I'm always right or that I'm above anyone here. (he does) So I can admit that I think the person is generally smart, and has a very vast knowledge of wrestling in general. But this person is so High and Mighty they refuse to consider any other opinions or views. They approach everything with a closed mind and tells others to open their minds. I have yet to see this person admit to being wrong, misinformed, or even possibly incorrect. This person is here for one reason, to stroke his own ego. He must not have much of a life outside the internet, if he does and acts like this in real life, I would be amazed if his mother even loves him.
To this person who seems to be all torn up over little old me. Open your mind and try to drop the god complex. You seem like you could have an intelligent conversation, so try it some time. Quit being such a hypocrite.
And just to prove you wrong about this current issue that upsets you so. I could be wrong. Hell there is a 50/50 chance that I am. I'm just not one to jump to conclusions nor am I one to have my opinions told to me. I don't live my life according to a wrestling tabloid. Whatever the sheets say is not gospel, maybe you should open your eyes and stop having your views fed to you by meltzer.
If you have such a problem with me, why can't you take some of your own advice and take it to the PMs?