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lovecraft rates new music

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Gary Floyd


Well, I'm done with my Business Writing Homework (for now at least). So, here's my picks for what I've liked, and what I didn't liked, in music so far.


What I've Liked


Ghostface Killah's Fishscale album-This sucker is the best album of the year so far. I listen to this album every week, and it just keeps getting better.


Gnarls Barkley-From what I've heard, it sounds like another future purchase for me. Plus, it's Cee-Lo and the awesome Dangermouse.


Mono's You Are There album-Another great album. I personally think this is going to be in the top post-rock albums of all time.


The Sounds-Hell yes. Fun, unpretentious rock from Sweden. Plus, it's infectious as hell.




The new Prince album.


What I Haven't Liked


The New Revolting Cocks Album-Well, I like the song "Viagra Culture" (How can you not love a song with the line "My Weiner Must Win!"), but other than that, this album is a huge let. It doesn't even sound like a Revolting Cocks album.


RHCP Stadium Arcadium-I've heard it from other people's dorms, and to be honest, I find it a bit disappointing.


Keisha Cole-I'm sick and tired of hearing the song Love, though fortunately, I don't hear it as much as I used to.


Just About Anything Emo. I really can't wait for this whole thing to end.


The Editors-I don't care what anyone says: They are not better than Interpol. Hell, I find them unsatisfactory at best


Artic Monkeys-Am I the only person who isn't creaming their pants over this band? They aren't that good.


[b]Still Waiting For[/b]


The new Current 93 album-Fortunately, it comes out really soon, so the wait won't be long.


That's all for now. Next time: Whatever else come to mind, or something

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