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54. Inane Raw thoughts.

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I actually watched most of Raw today. Mostly because it's the start of the fantasy season, and I'm very competitive. I doubt my viewing lasts long. Raw blows so much. I may just stick to SD, which I usually tolerate, and even enjoy occasionally.


The Spirit Squad is simply a horrible gimmick. I've already posted a few times about it, so yeah.


HHH starts to be an enjoyable character, showing some life and the occasional weakness lately... then they do that absolutely unneeded sledgehammer bit, where Doane took the sledge, and HHH is all FUCK THAT NOISE YOU DON'T TOUCH MY SLEDGEHAMMER, N00B!1 That shit just doesn't help anybody. Although, if there's one bright spot, Kenny is the leader, and he is quite impressive in the ring. Except for tonight. I really REALLY hope they kill the Spirit Squad gimmick soon. Putting them in so many main events could damage these guys for a while.


Umaga... yeah, it's a ripoff of Samoa Joe. That's nice. This Estrada guy is kinda funny, though.


The women's division is dead once again. The only way to salvage things is Mickie/Melina. And build up these new random bimbos in the meantime, hoping a couple stick. And push Victoria, damnit. Why they don't properly use her as a wrestler is beyond me.


RVD/Benjamin was god-awful. As much as the smarks love RVD, they seem quite oblivious to his many weaknesses. It's unfortunate that WWE didn't take advantage of his overness in ~2002... but, wanting to make up for it now just isn't the right thing to do.


This ECW thing is nothing but an attempt to suck more money out of the desperate older fans. The shit will fail miserably if they seriously plan to keep it up for more than 2 months. But, by then, it will probably be an EXTREME version of The Internet Shows, and nobody will care anyway.


I forget what else. Raw is so poor compared to SD.


I'm gonna go bother wrestlers on myspace. Nice ones this time, hopefully.








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