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Rooty Tooty Doo

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Gary Floyd


-Well, I'm done with work for one of my classes. Other than that, it's buisiness as usual over here. It looks like its going to rain.


-I'm not looking forward to X-Men 3. Why? Well, besides the fact that it's directed by the dude who did "Red Dragon" (I hated that movie), it looks like they're trying to put too much from the series into one movie.


-WWE has officially ruined Trish Vs. Mickey thanks to the addition of Beth. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Plus, I knew they were going to ruin it somehow. Also, I'm sick and tired of Umaga. Smackdown already has a dreadful HOSS BY GAWD that can't be stopped, so why does Raw have to? Wait a minute, this is Raw I'm talking about...


At least Smackdowns has had build-up.


-A while back, I promised you a strange link, so here you go: bianca's Fetish Forum. Thanks to Something Awful for providing the link. Anyways, there's some weird shit here, but I think most of it's made up.


That's all for now. Next time: Preperation for finals, the weather, and my Memorial Day visit to my parent's house.

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