Popular and unpopular opinions
Here's some opinions some will agree with, and some won't. Remember, these are only opinions.
-I hate it when I hear white guys talk about how hard they have it, and how they think black people are holding them down. To those guys: you will never know what real oppression is.
-Also, to those who complain about black people not getting over the racism of the past and the present: 400 years is a long time.
-Everyone on Late night TV is watchable except for Leno. What does everybody see in this guy?
-When I saw the previews for the moivie "Little Man", I thought "Wow, Hollywood really doesn't know anything about Black People"
-I feel bad for Jon Stewart, because most of his audience is now made up of Che Guvera t-shirt wearing, college fucks who don't know anything about the real world except for whatever bullshit Michael Moore has to say. Oh, and Nader fanboys.
-I'm sick of hearing "Conservative Media" and "Liberal Media". The media is the media. Enough of your persecution complex.
-Kathie Griffin may be one of the most annoying women on Earth.
-Most athiest on the internet are idiots. I'm talking about some of the ones you find on Fark, who seem to think that because they are an athiest, that it gives them the right to be an asshole, and the whole Pastafarian thing. You know what: I don't give a flying fuck that you don't believe in God, ok? Just because you don't doesn't mean that you need to be a jackass to anyone who isn't. Then again, most of the athiests on the internet are high school NOFX fans who are mad that their parents made them go to church. What I'm trying to say is that I feel the same way about athiests that I do about most Christians: If you realize that what you do (or don't) believe does not mean you have to be an asshole, then you on my cool book. ell, I'm friends with several athiests, and they all kick ass.
Oh, and yes, I think that the whole Patafarian thing is stupid. Again it's my opinion. I mean really, it's just a lamer version of the Church of Sub-Genius.