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Adventures in the Mall

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Gary Floyd


Well, I went to the Mall, as well as Best Buy yesterday. Best Buy was alright, though I got the new Peeping Tom Album, as well as the Beavis and BUTT-head Experience, and "Paid in Full" by Erik B. and Rakim.


Anyways, on to the mall.


I never really was a big fan of the mall. Too many goths and punk rock kids hang out there. I do like the memories of "Dawn of the Dead" that they invoke though.


I saw a group of Juggalos, aka Insane Clown Posse fans. Suprisingly, none of them were fat. They were being harrassed by mall security, most likely because the immense odor of their unbathed bodies was most likely causing mass illness, as well as making babies cry. I can't believe that there are still Juggalos. It's like the KISS Army, only more retarded. It's the lowest rung on the music fan ladder.


I went to the Suncoast store, and got a 6 DVD box set of zombie movies for $34.99 (that's a deal). I ended up watching one of them instead of Raw last night. While I was there, I saw a disturbing amount of Anime merchandise. I will admit, there are anime titles I like, but most of it's fans really embarrass me. It's sad that I can't wear my Cowboy Bebop shirt these days without getting funny looks, or having anime geeks flock around me. I did chat with a hot girl who liked anime though. She ended up leaving when I said I'm a huge horror geek. Oh well. Also, I got a kick ass Hong Kong Fooey t-shirt.


I went to Hot Topic, but only for a cool Adult Swim shirt. It's probably the worst place in the mall, playing shitty EBM and metal. Christ, I hate Cradle of Filth. Also, it was full of obnoxious goths (sadly, no hot goth chicks). Worst of all, there were no cool Adult Swim shirts, though there were plenty of Pirates of the Carrbiean shirts, and tons of Corpse Bride appearal, and other lame movie shirts. no horror movie shirts though. Oh, and the Juggalos that I mentioned earlier were there. There were loud and yes, they smelled horrible. Even the goths looked at them like "What a bunch of fags."


I left that shithole, and headed to FYE. I was only there for about 5 minutes though, because it was way too expensive (as usual). I'm not going to pay $19.99 for a CD.


And that was my adventure at the mall.

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Malls suck...too many kids...too many kids that think they're tough.


One time (this past December), these two girls (no older than 16 or 17) walking behind us damn near knocked our daughter over...then they had the nerve to talk shit to us like the whole deal was our 3 year old daughter's fault...I mean, the main one was in my wife's face ready to fight (which would have been the worst choice that little girl would have ever made...wifey has a background in martial arts). I had to remind wifey that beating up minors is a felony and she backed off...of course, the little punk ass bitch teenager thought she scored the victory and continued talking shit as she walked off.


ah well.



The point is, kids today don't respect shit...not a fucking thing...and malls are full of said kids.


I can get everything I need at places like Walmart, Best Buy, Gordmans, Kohls, etc...why the fuck do I need to go to the mall. Have to deal with kids, limited parking spots, inane shoppers...fuck all that noise.


The few times I ever entered a shitty Hot Topic (or Gadzooks at the time) was only to hunt for Transformers merchandise as they seem to be the only stores (along with Suncoast) to ever carry that stuff.

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One time (this past December), these two girls (no older than 16 or 17) walking behind us damn near knocked our daughter over...then they had the nerve to talk shit to us like the whole deal was our 3 year old daughter's fault...I mean, the main one was in my wife's face ready to fight (which would have been the worst choice that little girl would have ever made...wifey has a background in martial arts). I had to remind wifey that beating up minors is a felony and she backed off...of course, the little punk ass bitch teenager thought she scored the victory and continued talking shit as she walked off.


Fuck that.


If some stranger would come close to doing that to my kid and would talk shit afterward, they'd be lucky if I didn't kill them.

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oh no doubt...it was all that either one of could handle to not totally knock these two bitches out. But, yo uknow, consequences and all...plus, we don't want our daughter growing up believing it's alright to beat the shit out of anyone anytime you wanted, you know?

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