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Guest INXS

Saddam being handed over to Iraq for trial

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Guest INXS

BBC news


Iraq's interim prime minister says former leader Saddam Hussein and 11 top detainees will be transferred to Iraqi legal custody on Wednesday. It is not clear whether the agreement includes physically handing over Saddam Hussein into Iraqi hands. The ex-leader, who was captured by US forces in December, will not face trial for several months, Mr Allawi said.


At last Hussein will face justice for his crimes against his former people but I fail to see how this is going to be a fair trial if it's actually held by the people he used to oppress. Really, Saddam should be tried in an internatinal court so that there can be no debate or doubt that he was tried fairly and in an unbiased manner. Having Saddam tried in Iraq will only fuel a sense of injustice that the insurgents/militants believe they are facing.

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Guest Cerebus
BBC news


Iraq's interim prime minister says former leader Saddam Hussein and 11 top detainees will be transferred to Iraqi legal custody on Wednesday. It is not clear whether the agreement includes physically handing over Saddam Hussein into Iraqi hands. The ex-leader, who was captured by US forces in December, will not face trial for several months, Mr Allawi said.


At last Hussein will face justice for his crimes against his former people but I fail to see how this is going to be a fair trial if it's actually held by the people he used to oppress. Really, Saddam should be tried in an internatinal court so that there can be no debate or doubt that he was tried fairly and in an unbiased manner. Having Saddam tried in Iraq will only fuel a sense of injustice that the insurgents/militants believe they are facing.

Yeah no debate. We all know how great that international tribunal is doing for Milosovec. Costing millions and taking years to say what everyone knows to be true.


Fuck the UN and fuck its "courts." Saddam committed his crimes in Iraq, he should be tried in Iraq. If you honestly think the TERRORISTS will say "Gee, you know those Americans turned over Saddam to the UN...maybe they're not so bad after all," well I don't know what else to tell you.

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Guest INXS

I wouldn't be shocked at all.


Cerebus, i'm not suggesting that Saddam should be tried by the UN or that terrorists will be content if that happens - really I was trying to get across the point that having Saddam tried in Iraq isn't the greatest idea.

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really I was trying to get across the point that having Saddam tried in Iraq isn't the greatest idea.

You're right. We should simply execute him and be done with it.

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I'm not seeing this as a good idea. There is no stability in Iraq right now, so how can we be assured that escape attempts won't be made. Guards in the prisons could still support the old regime, and could easily facilitate an escape.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
I've got a bad feeling about this. I can't be the only one who wouldn't be shocked to see "Saddam escapes captivity, whereabouts unknown" show up in the headlines.

I would seriously doubt it. While Saddam will be tried by Iraqis I doubt he'll leave American custody for anything other than sitting in a courtroom.

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It doesn't seem like the best idea, but like Mad Dog said, it's not like we are really putting him in Iraqi "custody". The administration is simply making a PR statement so that all the people who are in "decent" with the administration, will shut there mouths and let the goverment do there job. They will then put Saddam though a Kangeroo court (and rightfully so may I add) and the best we could hope for is a slow, cruel and unusual death.


But then again, I've been wrong before.



I do know that we can at least hope the world will be forever free of one more piece of shit scumbag.

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I fail to see how this is going to be a fair trial


I fail to see why that should matter.


I mean, this isn't (or shouldn't be, for that matter) a case of having to PROVE what Saddam did. Everyone KNOWS what he did. Any "trial" is most likely going to amount to reading off his various crimes and then killing him for it, methinks.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Who cares if he gets a fair trial. He could sit down for 2 seconds, receiver a guilty verdict and be taken out back and shot for all I care.

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Guest Hero to all Children

Actually the US is still holding him captive, we're responsible for his well-being and not-getting-away. So that shouldn't be much of a concern.


And fuck international courts. It's not like the terrorists/insurgants/freedom fighters/fallafel men believe that the UN is anything more glorious than a US puppet.


Try him in Iraq, give the people what they want. Even Matlock can't save his ass now and all his lawyer can do is make the US and the rest of the world look bad.


It seriously doesn't matter, he's a dead man walking.

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Guest INXS

Well, Iraq now has the power to give him the death penalty...it begs the question..could we see Saddam killed live on TV?

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Guest Hero to all Children

I say it's only fair. Okay .. maybe not live TV but we could sneak someone with a hidden camera and microphone in and then distribute it over the net.

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Guest INXS

Are you kidding? It should be on PPV with sponsorship from McDonalds! Perhaps a "half time" show featuring Britney, Justin and Jessica Simpson..

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Who the fuck cares if Saddam Hussein gets a fair trial? Really, he's lucky we didn't shoot him upon site. It's vitally important to allow Iraq to try and punish him, since it is a major symbol of the transfer of power and is symbolic in giving legitimacy to the new regime by letting them handle the old regime.

No chance Saddam escapes. I have no doubt he is being kept under the strictest of surveillance and any escape attempt will result in a bullet in the back.

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As other people have already stated, this transfer is strictly semantics. He'll still be under US captivity physically, and we'll still be guarding him at all times, including the trial, this just means that the legal process will be handled by the new Iraqi governing council.


To actually hand him over physically to the Iraqis and wash our hands of it would be extreme stupidity on our part.


......and I'm still hoping he gets shot trying to "escape," because this trial is going to end up being a circus, ESPECIALLY if it's held in Baghdad. There's going to be suicide bombers lining up en mass to get a shot at fucking up the proceedings.....

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"For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."


I'm just saying.. *shrug* :)


And let's face it, it should be easy to get him fairly on at least one charge that would carry a Death sentence.

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Guest Hero to all Children

News you can most likely use:

Iraq re-instates death penalty

By Matt Brown in Baghdad


The Iraqi Government has approved re-instating the death penalty.


In an interview published in a local Arabic newspaper, President Ghazi al-Yawar said the decision was taken shortly after the transfer of power from occupying forces.


He says it will apply to a limited number of crimes, including rape, kidnapping, murder and terrorism.


A Government spokesman says an official announcement will be made today or tomorrow.


The death penalty was suspended by the US's former administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer.


It could be applied to Saddam Hussein, who has been transferred to Iraqi legal custody today but is unlikely to go on trial until some time next year.


The interim Cabinet also discussed the emergency security laws to be introduced shortly and an amnesty for people who were members of the former regime, but who are deemed not to have played a role in its crimes against the people of Iraq.



And a blurb from Euronews to give you a general idea of what the Iraqis think of it.


Another Iraqi predicted: "He will be tried in an Iraqi court and he will face Iraqi justice and I don't think it's so complicated (to make) a judgment on him. I'm sure the minimum, at least, he will face (is) execution."



Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. Do you think it'll be a firing squad, hanging or beheading? I don't think that the middle east is too big on the other methods of execution.

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Guest INXS

I don't actually agree with the death penalty so life in soiltary confinement is a suitable punishment in my view.

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I don't actually agree with the death penalty so life in soiltary confinement is a suitable punishment in my view.

How about we send him to live with you?

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Guest Redhawk

An Iraqi official said this was going to be the "trial of the century." Um, no. The trial of the century would likely involve some kind of suspense. There will be NO suspense here, y'all. I don't know how they do trials over there, but if there's a jury, they're going to "deliberate" for about four seconds before convicting Saddam. They might as well put a revolving door in the jury room.


On another note, I know I'm totally not up on this stuff, but has Saddam ever actually murdered/raped/kidnapped anyone outside of war activity? From what I read and see on TV, his sons were the rapists/kidnappers. And while Saddam had people murdered, he never actually did it himself. Not like it matters anyway, since he had no chance of living this thing out, just wondering.

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Guest Hero to all Children

Actual trial of the century: Nuermberg trials.

Unless you count this as the trial of the 21sr century but .. really, that's like saying "This is the movie of a year!" about a flick that came out in early January.


And the Nuermberg trials are also a good example of "You don't have to to the dirty work yourself to be hung for war crimes." As the death penalty-able sentences are limited to murder, rape and terrorism it depends on how they define terrorism. If it's a war-like act of unlawful destruction on a massive scale against the people and/or the government. Well .. the INFAMOUS (because people can't fucking shut up about it) gassing of the Kurds should do the job then.

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On another note, I know I'm totally not up on this stuff, but has Saddam ever actually murdered/raped/kidnapped anyone outside of war activity? From what I read and see on TV, his sons were the rapists/kidnappers. And while Saddam had people murdered, he never actually did it himself.

I know that I've heard a couple stories of Saddam personally shooting people himself, but I can't find any links at the moment. Anyone else?


Are you kidding? It should be on PPV with sponsorship from McDonalds! Perhaps a "half time" show featuring Britney, Justin and Jessica Simpson..


You read a lot of stupid things in this folder... but that's the stupidest I've seen in a while.


I don't actually agree with the death penalty so life in soiltary confinement is a suitable punishment in my view.


You'd give him a life sentence instead of execution... even though, as you said above, you think he'll probably escape sometime?


How about we send him to live with you?


Slapnuts, thank you for giving me a smile and making my day.

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Guest INXS
I don't actually  agree with the death penalty so life in soiltary confinement is a suitable punishment in my view.

How about we send him to live with you?

He can't be sent to live with me as I don't even live in a prison.


That was just...:bangs head on desk:

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Guest INXS
Are you kidding? It should be on PPV with sponsorship from McDonalds! Perhaps a "half time" show featuring Britney, Justin and Jessica Simpson..


You read a lot of stupid things in this folder... but that's the stupidest I've seen in a while.


I think I went totally over your head with that one.

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Guest FrigidSoul
On another note, I know I'm totally not up on this stuff, but has Saddam ever actually murdered/raped/kidnapped anyone outside of war activity? From what I read and see on TV, his sons were the rapists/kidnappers. And while Saddam had people murdered, he never actually did it himself.

I know that I've heard a couple stories of Saddam personally shooting people himself, but I can't find any links at the moment. Anyone else?

He took both his sons into the Iraqi prisons at a young age, picked random prisoners and shot them in the back of the head for shits and giggles. He then had his sons do the same to show their love and devotion to their father.


Speaking of his kids I saw one of his daughters on TV and she could have actually modeled. She's a psycho though as she once told her teacher in elementary school that threatened to punish her "I'll rip your heart out through your cunt infront of the whole class". I doubt her mouth was washed out with soap since they don't believe in that over there.


believe in soap that is.

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Are you kidding? It should be on PPV with sponsorship from McDonalds! Perhaps a "half time" show featuring Britney, Justin and Jessica Simpson..


You read a lot of stupid things in this folder... but that's the stupidest I've seen in a while.


I think I went totally over your head with that one.

Well, considering that it was primarily composed of hot air, I'd say that's a likely assertation.


"Dang, Jehtro, that there city slicker's using that there sat-ire on us!"

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Guest INXS

Defiant Saddam appears in court


Iraq's ex-leader Saddam Hussein has made a defiant appearance before an Iraqi court, branding President George W Bush as the "real criminal". He refused to sign legal papers relating to the charges, thought to include war crimes and genocide. He defended Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and declared himself still Iraqi president. A recording of the proceedings, held at a secret location due to security concerns, is to be broadcast shortly.


I can't wait to see this footage.....

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