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Guest benoitrulz4life

Don't you hate it when passengers in your car...

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Guest benoitrulz4life

Well, I do!


I'll play New York Dolls or Misfits and people say that it sucks before even one song is over. Now I know the Misfits aren't the most accesible band but still, this is coming from people who listen to Metallica and Offspring, bands both influenced by Misfits. Aerosmith and Guns N' Roses were influenced by NYD. I guess what I'm trying to say here is they need to sit in the passenger seat, listen to what's playing, and LIKE IT!


And damned if the Misfits are the most out of control band ever. Just play "Bullet" if you ever drive downtown with the windows down and enjoy the public's disgusted faces!

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Guest Incandenza

It doesn't bother me, because I know anyone who trashes what I listen to obviously has poor taste. I pity them.

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Guest Doomsault

I'm not a musical expert but to my knowledge, just because a band was influenced by another one doesn't mean the listener should like both of them. I for one, can't stand the New York Dolls but I just happen to like both Aerosmith and GnR alot, and if you have any doubts of whether I'm a fan of the Misfits, just check out the new sig and avatar.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Just kick their asses out -- that's one of the unwritten rules about being a passenger...

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Guest Youth N Asia

The NYD's were pretty bad...but if it's your ride then tough shit...my take anyway

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Guest NoCalMike

When the passengers hate what I am playing, I make it an effort to play more of the cd and get into it. I don't complain ever in other people's cars unless they ask my opinion.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

It infuriates me to no end, which is why I never do it. I've tolerated 3-hour car rides with nothing but Gandalf, Blind Guardian, King Diamond, Helloween, and Iron Maiden's iffy stuff.


That one wasn't even the worst...


Picture a 3-hour boring highway drive through the midwest while listening to nothing but goddamn Eminem and DMX. If you like Eminem and DMX, well, wonderful, but I DESPISE them both with all of my heart and soul.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

hahaha..That song is great. The most fucked up looks I've ever gotten was going by this pioneer festival my town does while blaring Nile.

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Guest benoitrulz4life

Man Doomsault, that's the shitty Graves era Misfits in your sig. Just guys trying to capitalize on the success garnered by the REAL Misfits, i.e. Glenn Danzig.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I expect some token complaints, but they go unheeded for the most part, because, like Incandenza said, if they don't like it, they obviously have bad taste. When in other people's cars, it depends on how good of friends we are. My best friend and I for instance will always fight over the radio when KYLIE~! comes on. He'll insist on changing the station, I'll kill him. You know, fun banter like that.


Fo sheez,


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Guest NoCalMike

craziest looks I had was when I got my stereo and accessories installed at circuit city and the guys come and tell you about the system, and I had Severe Torture with me, so I put it in to test the system, and these guys just gave me this look, and then hurried away.....haha

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Guest Youre Gonna Learn

Most people don't like it when Lateralus is in the CD Player. Tsk Tsk.

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Guest El Satanico

For just this occasion everyone who regularry has passengers in their car should have an emergency Polka CD.


If someone bitches then they get to listen to Polka.

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Guest El Satanico

Well i wasn't really intending that as an insult to Polka. It's just that most people wouldn't like it if you threw it in the CD player.

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Guest Kotzenjunge



Or they're just philistines.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Mr. Pink

If the people in my car dislike CKY, HIM, Guns N' Roses, or Dropkick Murphys












Sucks to be them! WHOOO! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Most people don't like it when Lateralus is in the CD Player. Tsk Tsk.

Man, I don't get why people dislike that CD..I think it gets better every time I listen to it. It's definitely their best release, IMO.

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