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Booker t

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What a turn-around year it has been for Booker T. Last March he won the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and was the U.S. champion. He was the staple of the WCW heading into the new WWF stage of the WCW's life. Everything looked good for Booker his first month, he was the leader, I guess you could call him, of the WCW wrestlers. Then Steve Austin turned heel, he lost that position, then he lost the WCW title to the Rock at Summerslam, but kept his high position on the card at Unforgiven when he and Shane McMahon took on the Rock in a handicap match. But then next month at No Mercy he went to a match with the Undertaker, the Underfuckingtaker. But it was still cool the next month when he was in the Winner Take All match at Survivor Series. No match at Vengenace although he interfered in the Undisputed title final. Royal Rumble, a quick in and out entry of the Rumble. No Way Out, he teamed with Test to take on Spike and Tazz and lost. Wrestlemania, fought Edge over some Shampoo bullshit and lost. So in 9 WWF Pay-Per-View appearences Booker is 1-8 his one win coming in a team match. But yet, Hogan gets another push and Booker is in a Hardcore feud? Maybe it's just because I'm a Booker mark, but I'm getting pretty pissed off and what they are doing with him what do you guys think?

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Guest Anglesault

It happened to Booker, it's happening to Angle, Jericho Van Dam and Austin. Somehow Booker got on Hunter's bad side.

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Vince really knows who to stick sides with doesn't he? Angle and Austin carried the damn federation last year and they are getting depushed so the guy who's fucking Vince's daughter can get his way, gotta love Vince's system.

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Guest alfdogg

I thought of something.


HHH's logo is an iron cross.


Booker has yet to get a win on PPV.



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Guest Anglesault

You caught on quickly, Bookend.


And what the fuck is up with that Iron Cross? Is Hunter's new gimmick a WW1 German pilot?

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I thought of something.


HHH's logo is an iron cross.


Booker has yet to get a win on PPV.



I also saw a sign on RAW a few months ago refering to the Iron Cross.  The sign read "Heil Hunter," maybe there is something going on with HHH, and Booker.

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Guest Human Fly

Mass Transit needs to make a comeback and fall on HHH's knee about 10 times. Either that or Ahmed or Goldberg should make a comeback and kick him really hard in the head.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

You guys are idiots for the most part. Triple H isn't the damn head booker, nor is he on the creative team. If you guys need scapegoats, why not look in more logical places? If you think he's whispering in someone's ear, why not blame the person who's listening to him?

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Guest Human Fly

pinnacleofallthingsmanly is right. But, it's not like we haven't been blaming Stephanie all along anyway. Let the HHH bashing continue! Vince too, doesn't he know that most of the ideas from his company come from pillow talk?

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

Booker T doesn't get a push because he's:


1. Not very good.


2. Getting old.


3. Often injured.


4. Not a draw (nor was he in WCW).


5. Not good on the mic.

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Guest Human Fly

"Booker T doesn't get a push because he's:


1. Not very good.


2. Getting old.


3. Often injured.


4. Not a draw (nor was he in WCW).


5. Not good on the mic."


I find the first three particularly funny coming from a Hogan fan (assuming from your name and pictures).

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Do you think Hogan deserves the push he's getting Hogan made wrestling, because most of the things you said about Booker can apply to Hogan.

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Guest Anglesault
You guys are idiots for the most part. Triple H isn't the damn head booker, nor is he on the creative team. If you guys need scapegoats, why not look in more logical places? If you think he's whispering in someone's ear,

Oh, he's not WHISPERING in the head booker's ear, he has something else there.

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Booker T doesn't get a push because he's:


1. Not very good. / WRONG!


2. Getting old. / He is still more then able to go. Unlike some people, coughHogancough.


3. Often injured. / When is he injured?


4. Not a draw (nor was he in WCW). / That could be arguable


5. Not good on the mic. / Huh? His promo's have been pretty entertaining

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Guest muzanisa

Does every fucking thread have to be the HHH conspiracy theory thread?

I can see it now someone says that Maven should be IC champ and we'll get a reply saying he must have pissed off Hunter.

Booker has been treated badly. When he was given the championship on the last Nitro I thought that he'd be one of the top guys. They fucked up Invasion and he had to turn heel in which he has done an okay job but IMO he's a natural face.

He's fought all the top guys and looked weak especially against Rock, but is still hovering near the top of the midcard.

Being on Raw can only help as long as he turns face.

Austin, Kane and possibly Bradshaw are lined up for the top Hoss face runs.But if they would turn Booker I could see him and RVD controlling that show as the top guys.

If they keep him as he is he's behind NWO and the  Undertaker and maybe even Lesnar and I can see him dropping down the card.

I'd blame the writers who screwed up the Invasion angle rather than HHH for Booker being lost in the shuffle.

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Okay, Booker isn't bad, but I don't think he's great either. As far as mic goes, I think he's pretty entertaining, so I'd dispute that. If they're willing to push Test and even give Mark Henry a job, then Booker definitely deserves better. But so does about 60% of the roster.

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Guest alfdogg

"Triple H isn't the damn head booker"


We know that already.


"nor is he on the creative team."


Um, yes he is, actually.  He said so himself on Howard Stern.

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You dont need Booker T when you got Maven. Once Steve Blackmen comes back its Harlem Heat 2002. Can you dig that, ITS PARTY TIME.

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Guest goodhelmet

Anglesault that is some funny shit!


As for Booker's mistreatment, I can only put my head in my hands and wonder why. The WWF has made me do that alot lately

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Guest Anglesault
As for Booker's mistreatment, I can only put my head in my hands and wonder why.

Survey says: HHH

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Guest cabbageboy

How the hell is HHH responsible for Booker getting jobbed out?  I mean yeah we can agree that HHH had RVD jobbed to a few guys but was Van Dam buried?  I don't think so.  He is the IC champ and feuding with Eddie Guerrero, so that is pretty good.  


Now, Booker.  While he was in WCW he was merely decent but never anyone I would see and say "Whoa!  I gotta go see that guy!"  He wasn't any sort of draw in WCW but then again NO ONE WAS in 2000-01.  I've never seen Booker in a match I would call amazing either.  That said in WCW he was ok at least.


In the WWF Booker has been lousy.  Let's review:  He debuts by attacking Austin and nearly killing him by tossing him through the announce table.  Then has the shittiest match of 2001 against Bagwell on Raw.  He feuds with the Rock and was completely outclassed, looking totally beneath the WWF main event guys.  And I will admit that he has been booked like a jobber, but what would you do with him?  I mean, the WWF couldn't put him over the Rock or Austin in a feud.  Most fans would loathe it and it is subtly saying a WCW champ is better than a WWF main eventer.


I'm sorry but Booker just hasn't done anything that indicates he should get a push.  Frankly at this point he almost draws X-Pac heat.  I say almost because at least the crowd pops for the Spinarooni like they used to for the Bronco Buster.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

okay that's the best anglesault stuff outside of the one&only anglesault thread.


Booker T should be a face, he just isn't a great heel. He's good on the mic so i don't know where your coming from hoganmadewrestling

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Booker's still paying his dues. I'm guessing the hostility to WCW guys isn't going to have gone away yet. The likes of Bradshaw and Bob Holly are probably still bitching about it.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Well, you'd hope not. It was great when Angle broke his arm. :D

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If you say Booker doesnt deserve a push then how do people like..


Mark Henry






Scott Hall

Kevin Nash



What do they do to deserve a push? Not shit.  And as for Boker not having any great matches check out the best of 7 series with Chris Beniot.

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Guest Vyce

You know, I'm glad you people brought this up.


I sure as hell would like a good explanation as to why the German iron cross is Trips' new symbol.


Hmmm.....he already looks like the perfect Aryan Ubermensche....is he trying to tell us something here?


Quick, someone check and see if Angle / Jericho are Jews!!!

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