Rob E Dangerously 0 Report post Posted June 4, 2004 "TIME TO PLAY THE GAME" [Triple H walks down to the ring escorted by four men holding framed pictures of Triple H. He enters the ring and grabs the microphone.] "STING-UH.. you have alot of explaining to do. You have-un incurred my wrath. For last week when I was-uh wrestling Jim Neidhart. You dared to come out of your pit of dispair." *DRAMATIC PAUSE* "Sting-uh, don't think that what you're doing isn't based on a deep-seated jealousy of me. You see, I am the Game-uh, and I rescued sports entertainment." "Sting-uh, under your watch, sports entertainment was stagnant and boring. Men in boring outfits wrestled in front of kids at the Disney studios. I rescued this business from extinction." "I can see why you are jealous. Sting, all you ever did was hoot and holler. And that got you nowhere Sting. Then you were surplanted and you brooded off like a girl, crying for 18 months. Sting, I was not impressed by your cramps." "Sting-uh, you have never been a superstar like I have. In fact, you have appeared at Wrestlemania fewer times than novelty acts like Hillbilly Jim or Rob Van Dam. Sting, if you don't appear at Wrestlemania, you ain't shit" "Sting-uh, I'm willing to face you at any time so I can send you off to the rest home, because you are an old man. Sting-uh, you are the past. And the past must be disposed of to make room for the future." "In fact Sting-uh, I heard about a friend of yours who was having financial problems. Since you're drawing social security, I figured I should help him out. Come on out Lex Luger!" ["The Lex Luger Theme Song" plays as Lex Luger walks down to the ring in a tanktop and pants. Lex poses.] Triple H - "Lex Luger will be my personal assistant. He will recieve a living wage for this duty and he will wrestle. Vince Russo and the Executive Committee can't fire Lex Luger, only I can fire him. He is my employee-uh. Lex, tell these fans what i've done for you." Lex Luger - "Okay.. now.. Triple H.. has provided me with Stacker2.. and now I can do this again" [Lex takes off his shirt and does that weird bicep jiggling thing] Lex Luger - "Sting.. he never gave me a job.. Sting.. you're just in it for your God.. when.. in fact.. Triple H is God Almighty. I am convinced of this. It is Triple H's will that brought.. me back to wrestling. Thank you Triple H." Triple H - "My son, you are welcome. Sting-uh, I could-uh strike you down at any time.. but.. instead.. I will allow you to face me.. and then I will destroy you. For I AM THE GAME-UH!" [Cut to commercial as Triple H and Lex Luger walk off] LINEUP FOR TONIGHT: - WWW Tag Team titles: JBL and Stasiak defend against Kevin Nash and a partner - Abu Ghraib I-Quit match: Sabu the Beheader takes on Animal - Marijuana baggie on a pole match: Rob Van Dam and I Robot will battle in that - Scott Hall faces a disciple of Jake the Snake - Team Taliban will face the All-American team of Johnny Grunge and Jim Duggan - Doink the Clown will face Viscera - The New ICP and a partner will take on Cochese, Bunny and Bobby the Rookie - Bestia Salvaje and Algernon will battle - Kane and X-Pac take on the fiendish La French Guys - Jerry Flynn will face Al Snow - Zombie Tatanka will be in action The new buddy of the New Insane Clown Posse is Juggalo Jackson (formerly 'La French Poodle' and 'Sean O'Haire'). Juggalo Army! Bobby the Rookie, Bunny and Cochese defeated The New Insane Clown Posse and Juggalo Jackson when Rookie pinned Jackson with the Buff Blockbuster in 0:03:08. Rating: DUD But the clowns and the cops got into a post-match brawl.. and then.. "Wolfpack is back with the Mass Destruction" [Kevin Nash walks out showing signs of pregnancy. Nash gets to the ring and clears it of the brawling wrestlers.] "Eh yo.. I've decided that I will make history tonight, I will give birth to my partner. Layfield, Stasiak. You guys must think you're regular Milton Berles for what you did to me. But, rest assured, I will dispose of you both. Layfield, you want a shot at my belt? Well, stop getting me thrown in jail and you can have a shot at it." "LOOK AT MAH TEETH!" [bradshaw and Stasiak walk out.] John B. Layfield - "NASH! YOU PANSYASSED BITCH! I WILL KICK YOUR COMMIE ASS!" Kevin Nash - "Calm down there Hawk" Shawn Stasiak - "Nash, I got some more information on you" Kevin Nash - "It should be more interesting than your gimmick, Meat.." Shawn Stasiak - "Calm down Oz.. this information tells me that you, Kevin Nash, aided in the smuggling of an illegal immigrant in early 1996" John B. Layfield - "IF I WAS THERE, I WOULD HAVE CLOTHESLINED YOU TO HELL!" Kevin Nash - "I did alot of weird stuff back then.. so?" Shawn Stasiak - "That's a crime Kevin" John B. Layfield - "A CRIME! YOU JACKASS!" Kevin Nash - "So?" Shawn Stasiak - "That man was Rey Mysterio Jr" Kevin Nash - "Shawn, that's true. That was one time I elevated young talent, and it was over a fence." Shawn Stasiak - "Kevin, I also have info which links you to the Las Vegas Mafia" Kevin Nash - "Hey.. that was kayfabe" John B. Layfield - "NASH! JUST GET TO GIVING BIRTH, YOU FAT COW!" Kevin Nash - "Hey guys.. this might be a coincidence, but.. look behind you while I pop this kid out" "WHO'S THAT GUY FLYING THE SKY" [Rey Mysterio Jr. pops out of the enterence way, but John Bradshaw Layfield knocks him out cold with a clothesline from hell. Stasiak and Layfield flee as Kevin Nash walks fastly towards them.] Jerry Flynn apologizes for his behavior and pledges to undertake a fair match. Jerry Flynn made Al Snow submit to the Cross-Armbreaker in 0:02:57. Rating: * 1/2 Flynn snaps again, beating Snow senseless with his own mannequin head. Flynn leaves the head at ringside and leaves. Meanwhile in the back, we find Kane out cold on the floor. La French Guys dance around and sing. Vince Russo comes out before the match: "Ecks-Pack, it's unfortunate that your partnah is unable to compete, so I got a partnah for you.. Glaciah!" Glacier comes out as the Snow Machine is in full force. Glacier and X-Pac defeated La French Guys when Glacier made S. Grenier submit to the Oriental Spike in 0:03:40. Rating: * 1/2 (Kane no-showed.) Robot Matt Morgan has one task, beating RVD. RVD is all like 'dood' I Robot tries to climb the ladder. I Robot is on his way up. I Robot is half-way up. I Robot is almost on top of the ladder. I Robot is in grabbing distance. I Robot has retrieved the baggie of Marijuana. I Robot is eliciting a sizable round of boos. The winner is I Robot. Time of match: 0:05:23 Ladder Match: I Robot defeated Rob Van Dam in 0:05:26. Rating: ** Team Taliban pledges that they will stone Duggan and Grunge to death tonight. Team Taliban (Emilio Charles Jr. and Scorpio Jr.) defeated Johnny Grunge and Jim Duggan when Scorpio Jr. pinned Grunge with the Power Bomb in 0:05:34. Rating: -** 1/2 After the match, Charles breaks the 2x4 over Jim Duggan's head, drawing blood. Rey Mysterio Jr is recovering in the back. Doink the Clown is now 'ReBorne'. And he's pissed at Viscera for Survivor Series 1993. Viscera just decided to choke the life out of ReBorne while yelling at him. In the process, he injured himself. ReBorne defeated Viscera by disqualification in 0:01:06. Viscera suffered an elbow injury. He will be out for approximately 1 card. Rating: -** 3/4 Triple H and Lex Luger get mad at Jeff Hardy for not bowing down to Triple H. Hardy will now face Lex Luger. Bestia of Team Taliban makes his pledge to pummell Algernon Algernon declares that his intelligence will beat fanaticism. Bestia Salvaje pinned Algernon after a flying bodypress in 0:03:06. Rating: ** 1/2 Jake the Snake reveals his disciple, The Snakecharmer (formerly Reese or Big Ron Studd) Scott Hall takes a survey, the fans came here to see the NWO. Jake Roberts throws Snakecharmer a trash can lid. Snakecharmer hits Scott Hall with it and goes for the pin. Danny Davis counts: One, two, three. A fan at ringside badmouths Snakecharmer. The winner is Snakecharmer. Time of match: 0:07:34 Snakecharmer pinned Scott Hall after hitting him with a trash can lid in 0:07:34. Rating: -* 1/4 The Iron Sheik declares that Sabu the Beheader will torture Animal and give him 'a taste of his own dirty medicine' Sabu the Beheader whips Animal into the guardrail. Sabu the Beheader sets up a table. Sabu the Beheader nails Animal with a piledriver. Sabu the Beheader throws Animal back into the ring. Sabu the Beheader brings the table into the ring. Sabu the Beheader points to the ceiling. The decibel level in the building is unbelievable. Sabu the Beheader sets up Animal on the table. Sabu the Beheader executes a slingshot legdrop through the table. The table is broken in half. Sabu the Beheader executes the Triple Jump Moonsault on Animal. Sabu the Beheader catches Animal in an armbar submission. Sabu the Beheader picks up the mannequin head and hits Animal with it repeatedly. Animal is writhing in pain. Animal passes after 11 seconds. The ring is quickly filling up with debris. The winner is The Beheader. Time of match: 0:11:51 [Abu Ghraib Match]: I-Quit Match: Sabu the Beheader made Animal submit to an armbar submission in 0:11:51. Rating: -3/4* After the match, the Axis of Evil comes out beat on Animal, but then Duggan and Grunge come out, and they hold their own, but when the tide turns, El Dandy and Silver King run out from the crowd to drive the Axis of Evil away. Meanwhile we find that El Dandy and Silver King have married Americans, meaning they can stay in the country. Zombie Tatanka isn't any more interesting than regular Tatanka. Zombie Tatanka pinned Barry Horowitz with the End of the Trail in 0:03:35. Rating: * 1/2 After the match, The Abortionist runs into the ring and attacks Barry Horowitz with his bedpan. Lex Luger made Jeff Hardy submit to the Torture Rack in 0:04:41. Rating: 1/2* The lights go out after the match, and when they come back on, there's a black bat laying in the ring. Triple H picks the bat up and uses it to beat Jeff Hardy's face in. The lights go out again and we see Sting's face on the WWW-Tron. Layfield and Stasiak pledge to deport Kevin Nash to Mexico with Rey Mysterio Jr. Rey is feeling better. Thanks for asking. Shawn Stasiak takes Kevin Nash down with a power bomb. James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up. Shawn Stasiak complains about a slow count. Kevin Nash executes an inside cradle on Shawn Stasiak. James Beard counts: One, two, John Bradshaw Layfield makes the save. Shawn Stasiak takes Kevin Nash down with a hiptoss. Shawn Stasiak takes Kevin Nash down with an eye gouge. John Bradshaw Layfield enters the ring to make it two-on-one. John Bradshaw Layfield leaves the ring. Shawn Stasiak goes for a piledriver, but Kevin Nash counters it with a backdrop. Kevin Nash executes the Jackknife Power Bomb on Shawn Stasiak. James Beard counts: One, two, three. The cheers for Kevin Nash are drowning out the boos. The winners are Kevin Nash and Rey Misterio Jr.. Time of match: 0:07:22 Kevin Nash and Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Shawn Stasiak and John Bradshaw Layfield when Nash pinned Stasiak with the Jackknife Power Bomb in 0:07:22. Rating: 1/2* (Kevin Nash and Rey Misterio Jr. won the WWW Tag Team titles.) But after the match, Layfield lays out Nash and Mysterio with Clotheslines from Hell. Scott Hall runs down the entry way, but Jake Roberts ambushes him. Layfield then takes the WWW Heavyweight title and holds it up as we fade to the backstage area, where we see Vince Russo. "Next show.. main event.. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Rey Mysterio Jr will take on Jake Roberts, Shawn Stasiak and John Bradshaw Layfield" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob E Dangerously 0 Report post Posted June 4, 2004 Show 5 news: Item #1: It'll be the start of a 14 man tournament for the WWW Western Hemisphere Title. Two wrestlers get byes into the second round 6 matches on show 5 4 matches on show 6 2 matches on show 7 and the final match on the PPV #2 - Macho Man Randy Savage has a challenge for Hulk Hogan #3 - Sadam will make his wrestling debut #4 - The Abortionist will make his return to the ring Share this post Link to post Share on other sites