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Posts posted by PILLS! PILLS! PILLS!

  1. Leave it up to TSM to try to scare away all the lady posters... Now I know why the hottest female poster (Ginger Snaps) left! Then again I played apart in that by kinda harassing her.


    Any "female" poster who uses "her" image in "her" avatar is suspect, as they should be. Especially Ginger Snaps.

  2. There was one time when my friend got too drunk and kept falling down. His face ended up scratched up and the cops came by and thought I beat the shit out of him. They drove him home while telling jokes and shit, then dropped me off and didn't care that I was underage at the time.


    "Nah, you did nothing wrong... your friend needs to grow a pair and handle his liquor."


    We refer to this night as Invisible DDP Diamond Cutting him about every two minutes. It actually looked like he was taking bumps instead drunkenly bumbling, stumbling, and falling down.


    This reminds me of the time that I camped out at Turkey Run State Park when I was nineteen. I consumed my fair share of Captain Morgan Spiced, Barcardi Light Dry, a couple Long Island Iced Teas, some Jello shots and many cans of beer. The only time I can remember not being able to walk in a straight line. Usually, no matter how fucked I've gotten, it's never been that bad. Also, I gave some chick a black eye when our heads collided. And I almost fell into a campfire. And I threw up in a tent. This is why I barely touch hard liquor nowadays.

  3. I really can't recall my actions, other than what my roommates relayed to me, which included but was not limited to me telling off one of my roommate's girlfriends (who nobody liked) and regaling everybody with my Sabu impersonation.


    The pointing to the skies kind, or the trying to springboard off of something high and falling flat on your ass kind?


    I really don't remember. This was around the time where I was not shy about putting on my generic luchador mask and crashing through random, purposeless objects at parties, so anything is possible.

  4. I doubt that I can remember what could be considered the craziest night of drunken madness, but many years ago I got lost in downtown Chicago with a couple close friends. It was after the Girls Against Boys concert, and we had already been drinking all night. I found myself stumbling around with a 40 oz. in hand and somehow sneaking onto the roof of the Holiday Inn. Throwing a wooden ladder off of a parking garage roof to watch it break. Lots of public urination but no vomit that I can recall. Finally located the car around dawn. I actually have dozens of pictures somewhere that could accompany this story.


    Though I don't think that compares to the time that I drank a fifth of Southern Comfort with double my nightly dosage of Ambien out of sheer stupidity. I don't remember much, other than waking up to a fifteen-page journal entry, much of which was illegible, and my dirty clothes basket downstairs, next to the washing machine, covered in puke. The washing machine lid was open and the water was sitting, dormant. I really can't recall my actions, other than what my roommates relayed to me, which included but was not limited to me telling off one of my roommate's girlfriends (who nobody liked) and regaling everybody with my Sabu impersonation. This was on a weeknight, btw.


    Don't be like me, kids.

  5. Rule of thumb around here. Don't make one of your first 20 posts or so a new thread unless you know it has legs. Also, before posting here, read some threads. This is not a place where nice kids play....most of us are assholes to people who make bold comments off of the bat that have no legs. If you have something to say that may piss off someone, feel free to say it, but for the love of God back up your statements.




