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Everything posted by Kawalimus
Anyone have any idea who the hell "Kawalimus Kid" is? Whoever the hell it is stole my damn name, because this is completely originally made up from me, not taken from anything. http://www.answers.com/topic/jake-roberts Saw him referenced in this link. "On October 10, 2007, Jake beat Phantom Lord and Kawalimus Kid in a three-way-dance match in Starke, Florida at the VFW Hall." Tried looking it up on sites but there's no profile or info on this guy whatsoever. I'd like to ask him to stop using the name.
Obama is gonna have some serious problems winning the general. I say that as a supporter of his. The thing is, the primary and the general are two different things when it comes to democrats. In the primary for them, the margins matter. It matters that Obama can close gaps and win certain states by a bigger margin than normal. But in the general that's not going to matter. Cause in the general the margins are meaningless. Now don't get me wrong, the margins should mean something in the general, but the fact is they don't. It doesn't matter if you win with 51-49 percent, you take the whole thing. So if Obama can't win Ohio or Pennsylvania, it won't matter that he ran a close race, McCain would take the whole prize even if it were a very small margin of victory. That's why the big state strategy failed for Hillary in the primary, and Obama's strategy worked. But Obama is gonna have to adopt more of a big state strategy cause he needs Ohio and Pennsylvania to win. If he doesn't get those, he is a major longshot, cause he's going to have to flip a ton of states that wouldn't normally go Democratic.
That doesn't warrant putting a guy in jail for TWENTY SEVEN YEARS!! Where the choices are to ether become a brutal criminal or get raped. Maybe we should stop obsessing over prison as the answer to everything and we'd stop having so many goddamn thugs in our society. ESPN is pathetic for covering the story the way they did. They could have done the story about Tynes and his family without the evil lawbreaker marijuana user/distributer slant. So to clarify it's less that they did the story and more the way they did it that was pathetic.
ESPN just done a story on the EVILS of marijuana use and distribution. And talks about Lawrence Tynes and how his brother got 27 years in prison for Marijuana distribution. And his "criminal history" was marijuana use and they made it sound like he was some terrible person for this. Sounds more like a problem of an idiot society.
That doesn't mean its the cause. That's cause places like north america have less problems than Africa and Philippines which means less cases of STDs or AIDs here than there. It's nothing to do with circumcision.
Bill Plaschke is an IDIOT!! He just said Tim Tebow was performing circumcisions in the Philippines. He said "Kudos to him, this is a major problem down there". WHAT AN IDIOT!! He really thinks it's a big issue a man is circumcised or not. He believes those old wives tales.
So be it. Nothing we could do about it, come on Ravens pick a star!!
We drafted Boller trying to get a bargain. We were going for a serviceable QB who we could pay LESS for. That's the key with Ozzie he always wants em cheap. That's why he brings in cheap shitty free agent offensive linemen. BOLLER was easy to see he was a terrible move to draft him. Everyone knew that at the time and BILLICK'S handling of him led to sure failure. But now it's new and it's time to set it right.
Frankly I don't care what we do we have to get settled at the damn quarterback position. Everyone made fun of me last year for getting angry about not getting Quinn and look what happened!! Trading Suggs would suck but here's the thing he won't be here after next year. We're in a bad cap situation and I want this team to have a plan at quarterback. If you don't have that you can't advance!! That's why we signed Elvis Grbac and Steve McNair but they're stopgaps not solutions. WE NEED A SOLUTION!! DRAFT RYAN NOWii!
There's a name changes thread on this forum but hasn't been updated since almost a year ago. A day or so ago I began seeing the name "Kawalimuggy" who has been here since 2003. But I'm sure that name wasn't always Kawalimuggy. But it didn't show up in the name changes thread but t hat hasn't been updated it. Could someone update it just to show me who Kawalimuggy is? Thanks PS--I tried asking Kawalimuggy himself but received no answer, otherwise I would not have asked this. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Oh I could cheat or I don't even need to. Ether way, I try to at least know where some shit is in the world. Colombia, Venezuela, Guiana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Argentina. Don't think I missed any but could be wrong . I don't really quote The Wire a lot, but that was the previous episode that was just on, and I am caught up in the buzz right now with the show ending. So that's why I might be talking about that a lot. But I don't understand why someone would say that someone else quoting The Wire is stupid, when the show quotes itself in the beginning of every episode. It's definitely a pretentious show, and I will say that as its biggest fan. But really it's that arrogance that makes it appeal to me. David Simon is a huge dickhead who tells a great story and gets his message across really well. And folks, I am not going to sue anyone. I'm not angry, I'm not complaining. I know I don't have any rights to anything, I went over this in the original thread. But it seems like some people just like to skip over all that stuff cause it's just funnier to laugh at someone. But if I am providing entertainment, I am more ok with it. I don't think I've made anyone angry. edit: one too many perus. I missed Bolivia. Fuck. Oh well
HEY!! Are you the same guy also from Baltimore from DVDVR posted? We used to talk on there but I'm banned from posting now . Good to see you again if you are! I'd really like to order something from you sometime I probably will too!
Is this something from a movie you're saying here?? Cause I wasn't complaining, and I've been registered here almost a year as you can see from my name information.
....Who are you? I'm just a guy from Baltimore who wonders who uses his name in the rest of the country. I have many questions for which I want answers, but I know I won't always get em. I like to meet people from all over and experience different cultures on the internet and who comes through my workplace. One time even Brian Billick himself came through and while I do not like him as a coach I had no problem talking to him as a man. And I would have no problem talking to him again or if any of you stumbled upon me I would treat you like old friends. That is the way I am. And I don't hold anything against anyone here for what they've said, even when I get angry. I am not a vindictive person. And I don't trust wikipedia fully but I do trust that if there's something out there, it's in it, even if the info inside it isn't completely accurate. Maybe it's spelled Cawalimus? Or some other exotic spelling perhaps. I trust there might be something similar to that but I doubt it's spelled exactly like my name. Or you could be lying.
Well remember he said county and not country. I know all the countries in South America and Kawalimus ain't one of em. And that map only shows countries and cities, not counties. So you'd need a better map to prove that, there's also no wikipedia entry for Kawalimus, so I doubt it really exists. Maybe in a place like Suriname they have that but I don't see it on that map. And Massito I did say I was happy someone felt the name was good enough to use. I just wasn't happy he didn't come to me first and ask.
But I never acted like an idiot, I just asked a question. Is there something wrong with that? Why is it wrong to be curious? What made me angry was when people got a smartass attitude about it and shot down everything I say because they don't want me to find out. And then people lying to me pretending they were the real person who did that to try to trick me. Why can't people just be honest and respectful? You don't see me dumping on everyone's questions I don't like. I don't see why I should get banned for asking a simple question. It was others made it hostile.
I'm not stupid though. I just happen to be a fan of that show because it is a really good show and based in BALTIMORE. When else will there be another show in Baltimore this good? Probably never so I gotta enjoy it before that last episode comes on. But the damn previews spoiled the final episode!! So I know what happens. But I'm still gonna watch it on the 9th and see the stuff the preview didn't show.
No it isn't, I don't see it on that map anywhere. And I wasn't flipping out I was just quoting Marlo Stanfield from THE WIRE when I said my name IS MY NAME.
Well I'd just like to know. Cause MY NAME IS MY NAME, period. I'm sure you just got it from me but I'd like to know if you got it from someplace else. All I did was ask a question now I'm grilled for it?
Wait, are you saying it said I was writing and then stopped, or are you saying there's another guy with my name on here? I'm confused. I don't' have any nominations.
I can picture this guy listening to "Tear Away" on repeat while he's typing this aggresively. The good news is I don't listen to that kind of music at all. I can't stand that crap, I actually had to look that up to see what it was . Those same guys that do that song I don't like, I actually listed that as a song that should be banned in another thread I made. If you want to see what kind of music I like look here. --Bron Y Aur stomp by Led Zeppelin, that's my favorite song ever. I don't like songs that are depressing like that Drowning Pool crap. I think it's pathetic. --There's another song I like. I don't even believe in GOD but I still enjoy to listen to this song in any form.
Well you might not care about it and everyone else might not, but there's at least one person who does, and that's me. And there's also one other person who does and that's the person who may or may not be trying to profit from the name. I didn't bring shame on anything, all I did was use it, and again I didn't steal anything. That guy could never use the internet and even if he did he wouldn't care. He's a nice guy. And I do not, I repeat do not, care if I am the worst or best poster anywhere.
Nope. But I know you're just trying to trick me so I'm not giving you the response you wanted here . For the record I don't care if folks think I'm the worst poster here. That's ok with me. I'm not here to protest that or whatever you might think. But I do care when people misrepresent what I say and do it on purpose. I don't like when asking a simple question becomes throwing a fit. I don't like when calling this into question becomes being dishonest with others about how I feel. That's what upsets me and that's what I take issue with. So all I ask is that if you're gonna make fun of me or if you're gonna criticize me, at least base it on facts and things I've actually said and done, not things people made up to laugh at me. And changing Marvinisalunatic's name to Kawalimus Kid isn't going to make me go crazy. I know that if you do that it's still the same guy. I know the real Kawalimus Kid didn't use that name on forums, he took the name from me. And I know that he's not on TSM he's on DVDVR where I can't post anymore. I hope you read this and maybe understand where I'm coming from better.
Oh, I wasn't typing about what you said, that was just a coincidence. I was just bringing that up because some people think I was mocking the guy.
NO!! Would you READ THE POSTS?!? My friend is Joe. And yes, Joe is a retard. But he is our friend and he has a speech impediment. And he would always joke he knew Karate. But he couldn't say that right, so he'd say he knew "Kawali". We'd give him hell about that and call him Kawali. He took it well so don't tell me I'm mocking him!! We all give each other hell. I'm the one who started calling him 'kawali' and it stuck. So I did make it up. But now he can't work anymore because he's sick and old. A couple years ago there were these commercials for 2k sports games I think that said "Kickimus Maximus Buttimus". I thought that was funny and I paired up the word "Kawali" with those terms and got Kawalimus which I thought sounded nice. So I started using that name. That's the story. I didn't steal the name from anyone just because someone else uses it. But that person did steal the name from me and all I want him to do is give me credit for it or stop using it. Or at least ask me permission before using that name further. What if someone made it to WWE and used that name and became famous and made a lot of money? I'd want some compensation but I wouldn't be able to get it since I didn't speak up earlier.