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Everything posted by ditch

  1. I write about the puro scene and pulsewrestling.com, and it seems like a reference guide might be handy here because it's only discussed from time to time. The top site for non-Japanese fans is http://puroresufan.com (which covers New Japan), and its affiliate sites: http://ajpw.puroresufan.com - Covers All Japan http://noah.puroesufan.com - Covers NOAH http://dgusa.puroresufan.com - Covers Dragon Gate And there are some additional subsites for smaller feds, all linked on the main page. For those willing to parse through German to get results, (it isn't that hard) there is coverage of a lot more promotions at http://purolove.com Want profiles beyond what you'd find above? Try http://www.puroresucentral.com/ And of course the obligatory Wikipedia link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puroresu Last but not least are the media sites I operate: http://theditch.biz (covers 1972-2000 All Japan), http://theditch.com (covers NOAH), http://theditch.us (covers everything else). I'd write an essay on "what is Japanese wrestling" and go through every promotion and their style and the main wrestlers, but I'm not sure how much of a need there is for that sort of thing here. Besides, a lot of that is covered in the links. What I'll do is answer any questions you have on the subject. Also, over the last few weeks I've cobbled together a list of matches that should be accessable for newcomers. If you're interested in watching some puroresu and don't know where to start, just post what you like in wrestling and I'll link to some suggested viewing material. If anyone has other sites to recommend, please link them here!
  2. ditch

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    Would there be any call for a general puro links/resources thread here? Not sure how many people might be interested in such a thing.