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Posts posted by Adventureman

  1. * Superstar of the Year: HHH

    * Match of the Year: Flair vs Michaels at Wrestlemania

    * OMG Moment of the Year: Cena's return at the Rumble

    * Diva of the Year: Beth Phoenix

    * "DAMN!" Moment of the Year: Million Dollar Giveaway

    * Tag Team of the Year: Mizorrison

    * Best Musical Performance: Jillian something

    * Best Finishing Maneuver: RKO

    * Extreme Moment of the Year: Jeff Hardy Swanton off of the 'tron onto Randy Orton

    * Couple of the Year: Santino and Beth


    * Breakout Star of the Year: CM Punk

    * Announcer of the Year: Matt Striker

    * Best WWE.com Exclusive: The Dirt Sheet

    * Best Impersonation: Haas Hogan


    I'll probably be wrong, but I just can't see John Cena being superstar of the year after being out for months and months.


    I was also really torn between Haas Hogan and the Great Char-lee.

  2. I thought that Rhino promo was pretty stellar. It was nice to see the face actually win a verbal duel in TNA for once.


    And nice to see people actually boo the Main Event Mafia, who've been getting way way more cheers than any heel stable ever should.


    Of course, it was then quickly ruined by the fact that no faces attempted to break up the massive beatdown that followed.



  3. 1. The Rock vs. Steve Austin - Wrestlemania x-7


    2. HHH vs. Cactus Jack (HiaC) - No Way Out 2000


    3. RVD vs. John Cena - One Night Stand 2006


    4. Edge and Christian vs. Hardy Boys vs. Dudley Boys (TLC) - Summerslam 2000


    5. Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 24


    6. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle - Royal Rumble 2003


    7. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels vs. HHH - Wrestlemania 20


    8. Edge vs. Christian vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Chris Benoit (MitB) - Wrestlemania 21


    9. Edge vs. Undertaker (HiaC) - Summerslam 2008


    10. London and Kendrick vs. Regal and Taylor vs. MnM vs. Hardies (Ladder match) - Armagedden 2006


