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Everything posted by Perfection

  1. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    She has what the company likes. Blond hair and breasts that look good and massive in a push-up bra. One would think they would want what the PEOPLE/their customers want but as usual they think they know better than most. Take layla for example, the fans voted her in. They liked her but that is irrelevant because Steph and Mcmahon think the fans want the usual, boring, stale, genetic blonde chick. Their logic, or lack there of is astounding sometimes
  2. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    Watch the video that is in that link of her. I don't know whats wrong with her but I think she might have some form of mental retardation...I'm serious. Every time she is on tv, she really does seem like a mentally challenged person. Now I know many of those times she was fucked up on something but 24/7 for the last 8 years? And her face just looks bizarre. She looked awful when she first came in and had that square jaw but now after all that plastic surgery she almost looks mannequin like http://www.tmz.com/2007/11/09/chyna-change...n-to-bring-it//
  3. Perfection

    Full Impact spoilers for 11/8

    I very rarely watch the show because of Tenay and west literally making the show unbearable on their own. But I watched last night and the product is so bad its no wonder no one responds to it. Just everything is bad and corny. On top of that everything still seems rushed. I honestly think Tna would do better if they got rid of Tenay and West. I swear to god I have never seen or heard two individuals so HORRIBLE at announcing. They are literally like fingers on a chalk board. For example, during the last segment where Hall came out and he did his "hey yo" line, that stupid motherfucking Tenay had to remind us that is his line that he is famous for. A moment later, the crowd is chanting for hall and tenay once again opens his annoying fucking mouth and says the obvious.."well they are happy to see hall" or some stupid shit like that. I swear to god, why do the powers at be at tna let these two fucking jackasses call their show? On top of that they have to remind us EVERY 15 to 20 seconds there is a ppv coming up. They will totally ignore the action in the ring to hype their stupid ppv as if someone who is watching the show is actually going to forget they have a ppv coming up unless they don't say it every 20 fucking seconds. I never, ever, would have thought I could not watch a wrestling show based primarily on the two people calling the show but they are THAT HORRIBLE. They are donkey dick sucking bad. Then of course they hype hype hype Hall the entire show and what happens, a 2 minute conversation that really leads to nothing interesting at all. Then sting comes out and we are supposed to be impressed? holy shit that just sucked. Despite all the talent tna has, its a damn shame the product is so horrible. They could really be something special with the talent they have but they have to have absolute retards running that company to have that much talent and suck this bad. Really blows because we desperately need something other than wwe to watch.
  4. Perfection

    WWE releases Chris Masters

    Bingo. Good riddance to the not-masterpiece.
  5. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    :bonk: God I have been enjoying not seeing that steroid freak being pushed so hard down everyones throat. . Miss him? shit...more like dreading the day he comes back.
  6. I've always wondered this but I'm guessing its only water (?) Otherwise you would have all those people going home smelling like beer and well that might be a problem if they are pulled over lol. Still, I'd be pretty ticked I think If i got soaked, water or beer and boy did they get wet.
  7. Perfection

    So can you still watch Chris Benoit matches?

    I never stopped, although I get angry and sad when I watch them. But I sure still enjoy his matches
  8. Perfection

    Fabulous Moolah has passed away

    You're thinking of Mae Young. No I'm not, she was still involved with some pretty outragous stuff, like taking wrestling moves from a few wrestlers or dressed up in evening gowns or some such nonsense. May young of course was more "extreme" but she certainly had her moments for a woman in her late 70s and early 80s
  9. Perfection

    Fabulous Moolah has passed away

    You know its bad when the first comments are "well at least it was from natural causes". Sad news though. Aside from being a pioneer for womens wrestling, She was certainly unique because not many women her age would go out in front of millions of people and do some of the things she did the last 10 years or so for the wwe.
  10. Perfection

    Smackdown Spoilers - 11/2/07

    It was a decent show. It was well worth it just to hear and watch JBL toward the end and going on his tirade about people paying the price for crossing his path. His line about being the hunter and being in the dear stand or something was hilarious.
  11. Perfection

    Masters and DH Smith suspended

    I didn't see much in him anyway. All of this hoopla over him for all this time by the internet sort of makes me scratch my head. He's nothing special from what I've seen and probably wouldn't even be looked at by many if not for his name.
  12. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    lol isn't that the damn truth. Seriously, stephanie has got to be one of the dumbest bitches on this earth. lmao...what a fucking idiot she is. It's painfully obvious that if her name wasn't mcmahon, she would likely be flipping burgers somewhere.
  13. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Elijah has about pissed himself as shadows, voices and weird lights are popping up all over in front of him. He's acting all freaked out again, it's awesome. ETA: HAHAHAHA ELIJAH JUST FREAKED OUT AND RAN! That was hilarious. He cannot even EXPLAIN why he just ran like a bitch. That was the greatest thing ever. He is TOTALLY freaked the fuck out now. That was quite possibly the greatest moment in the history of television. He said something touched his shoulder and he BOLTED. That was greatness. He ran so fast he dropped and left his cell phone. Awesome. They just showed the replay in slow motion, his expression of fear and "GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY MOTHERFUCKAS!" is priceless. ETA2: He's stuttering and everything now but he's trying his hardest to get his bad ass look back and he is failing miserably. Man sees faces, sees weird lights, hears a woman giggles, insults the Diva search and now runs like a bitch cause something caressed his back. This is not a night Elijah Burke is going to be able to live down with anyone who saw it. I was hoping he would provide some entertainment but there was no way I was going to sit there and watch that show for hours. I flipped to it one time and they tried for like 5 minutes to get a "ghost" to push a ball over a stick. Holy hell it was boring. And I don't know where they got that nerdy fuck host at but i wish a ghost had jumped on his ass. Anywho, so I didn't see this so I hope someone uploads this to youtube. I'm already a huge Burke fan but If its as good as you say it is, I'm an even bigger fan of Burke than before.
  14. Perfection

    Smackdown Spoilers - 11/2/07

    I was wondering the same thing. Him getting more involved is making me wonder if he is about to come out of retirement for a match or two.
  15. I didn't watch this show but I'd be surprised if it wasn't advertised but just in case...Burke is supposed to be on that ghost hunters show on Wednesday night. I got a pretty good laugh out of Punk being on that corny show and I'm looking forward to seeing Burke in "ghost hunting action"
  16. Perfection


    Amen to that. No matter what is going on in the ring, those two idiots make it all completely unbearable. I can not fathom how anyone in tna management thinks for a second those two should be anywhere near the announce table. I literally can't stand watching tna because of them. They are that horrible. Of course, the way tna is booked, I think the average IQ of those who run tna is about -50
  17. Perfection

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    well that was exciting...not. they are dragging this jericho stuff on too long imo
  18. Perfection

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    I hope so because the videos and the waiting is starting to get old. Obviously most folks think he is, this is the most in a raw thread in a while.
  19. Perfection

    OAO 10/28/2007 Cyber Sunday Thread

    Sounds like a god awful show. wwe should be ashamed with charging people $40 for such garbage. I think a 12 year old could book a better ppv than this
  20. Perfection

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    I noticed this last night while I was watching it. Kennedy for whatever reason is just sloppy and screws up too much. Micheals was visibly irritated a couple of times last night and for good reason. Reportedly Candice will only be out 6 to 8 weeks fortunately. If there is some good news out of that sick bump, her return should be decent if booked right. Considering the fans seem to really respect her for how hard she has tried to improve, she should get quite the reception when she comes back. She could have a really hot feud with Beth if they book it right. Just glad she wasn't too seriously injured. I actually like her a lot because of her attitude and her willingness to bust her ass to get better. She didn't have to try so hard to get better and you have to respect someone who also respects the business enough to actually try as hard as she has. She isn't the best wrestler in the world by any means, but she deserves a lot of praise imho. By the way, is anyone reporting Beth getting a ton of heat for dragging her like that? I would have to think people are pretty pissed at her. Of course I think the ref should get heat too for not stopping the fucking match to begin with.
  21. Perfection

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    Ouch PWI Candice Michelle was diagnosed with a concussion and a broken clavicle (collar bone) following the frighteningly scary bump she took after slipping off the top rope during her loss to WWE Women's champion Beth Phoenix tonight on Raw.
  22. Perfection

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    That was going to be the finsh, Candice was going to get crotched and Beth was going to hit the Muscle Buster. I'm not so sure about that because when I look at it, it almost looks like to me Candice was actually going to come off the top rope for a cross body or something and she didn't expect Beth to do that. She looked like she was just about to jump when beth hit the rope. I'm thinking a miscommunication unless I hear otherwise personally. I really wish in cases like this the matches would just damn stop. She was out cold and they didn't know if she had broken her fucking neck yet the ref told Beth to pin her and Beth then drags Candice away from the ropes. I mean wtf...just stop the fucking match. A couple of videos on wwe.com showing the stuff after the match and backstage. The doctor looks like he got pissed while candice was on the verge of panicking trying to get the neck brace off
  23. Perfection

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    I think that was the loudest audible from a ref I've ever heard lol
  24. Perfection

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    Anytime they break out the Owen voices and keep the camera rolling, it's worked but I think she took a harder fall then they'd planned. Strongly disagree. They stayed with it because it was the right thing to do. No way that was not legit or it was a planned injury spot. She sitting up was obviously a good sign but still very scary none the less.
  25. Perfection

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Yeah She is incredibly hot. They finally had a good looking black chick and now she is gone.